
The head of the church is the Exark and he, for it is always a he, is the main representant of Etin in the world of Ereb Altor.  The Exark is the prime interpretor if Etins will and defender of the faith. The word Exark are developed from the classical Joris word "eksarkus" - the primarly chosen.  There are three ways for a exark to be appointed. 1) The earlier Exark have chosen the individual to have the role. 2) If there are no named person the Tot-kerigass votes for a new Exark. 3) In the time between two Exarks one of the Tots-kerigass temorarily takes the role of Exark until a new have been designated. To become a Exark the individual must be a human man who is anoited as a riark at some time in his life, and live in celibacy. Historically the seat have been held by both saints and sinners. The sitting Exark is Partomus II and is known for his defiant attitude towards the thrones and wholeheartly support for the "Ljusa handen". Partomus II ascended to Exark 609 A.O.


The formal ritual when a new Exark takes the seat is a lengthy and tradition bound process. It is a time when the church flaunts its wealth and power and the rituals are well descibed. For many of the process parts a written invitation must be shown and only the most powerful and important individuals are granted one. If a person who are invited do not show up it is considered almost heresy unless the individual have very good reasons for not attending. On a side note the sitting exark of the Caddian church are always invited and have failed to attent every time.   The formal procession ends in the cathedral in oakenburgh from where the exark show himself in the robes of the exark to the people for the first time. Although everyone is invited to this first showing a mere commoner should be very lucky the be able to caught sight of the Exark.


The exarks of Aidne (mainland) 281-291 eO - S:t Pergon I ("den helige", men på Caddo känd som "Pérogonin förbrytaren") 292-295 eO - Falgorius I (på Caddo känd som "Véllogorus schismatikern") 296-306 eO - Enricus (Enric) II 307-313 eO - Pergon II 314-335 eO - Zegedorn III 336-351 eO - S:t Gerigel I (den store) 352-353 eO - Veremar I (martyren) 354-371 eO - Lukar I 372-400 eO - Pergon III 401-419 eO - Pergon IV 420-448 eO - Zegedorn IV 449-462 eO - Falgorius II 463-485 eO - Andorius I 486-498 eO - Gerigel II 499-519 eO - S:t Yrban I 520-556 eO - Partomus I 557-564 eO - Melogrim I 565-576 eO - Veremar II 577-593 eO - Verolex I 594-608 eO - Falgorius II 609 eO -? - Partomus II
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