The Shining Path - Mainland

The shining path is a powerful religion which have more or less become dominant within several realms in Ereb Altor. It is a monodeistic religion which do not allow its followers to worship any other God but Etin. Compared to many of the other religions in Ereb Altor The shining path is a young religion, but it have spread very rapidly and consolidated its power. The expansion ha slowed down considerably after the religion were split in two separate churches which despises each other.   The mainland version of The shining path are found in Kardien and Zorakin as they are the only religions allowed for humans in those realms. The church allow other races to worship their own beliefs as long at is done discreet and privatly. The impact the religion have had on the two countries are significant and all the religious dates are considered important dates in the kingdoms. Many of the religious sayings are considered normal in the countries - such as "praise Etin". It can be used for everything, such as finding something you have been looking for or a small rain in the evening which is good for the crops.   In every village there is at least a small chapel dedicated to Etin, and the bigger the town the bigger the church. The cathedral in Oakenburg is the largest and grandest there is, as it is the headquarter of the church.


The churchs organisation is a classical pyramid hierarchy with the exark at the top. The exark is the head of the church and as such he is considered holy, by the power invested in him by the title. Traditionally the exark have always been male but there is no rule against the title being held by a female. As Odo were human there is no possibility for other races to become exark. Beneath the exark there is a group called Curia which consist of six tots-kerigass. The curia could be considered the goverment of the church. Beneath the curia each country are led by a kerigass which in turn divides the country into smaller realms led by bontisal. The bontisal leads several parish whom each is led by a riark, which are the ones who have the most contact with the common people.


The culture within the church is one of respect for your peers and accept your place. It is also a culture of the mind, it is good to learn more about the world, in order to understand Etins will with it. There is also a sense of being sheperds to the flock. The commoners can't have the same deep understanding of Etins will as the clergy, so they need to be herded towards it. If a sheep are led astray there is a sense of loss, but it might be necessary to kill it in order to maintain status quo.

Public Agenda

To spread the word of Odo.


The church of the shining path is very rich and powerful as it is extempted from paying taxes. It also owns land in most countries around the Copper sea in which it has castles, monasteries and production facilities such as wineries. It also have a fleet of vessels it uses to transport personell and goods to its different holding. Most buildings are opulent and covered with paint, precious metals and stones, all to convene the power of Etin.   The main income for the church is all followers are to pay a tenth of their income to the church. And as the church seldom pays tax in the countries where it is dominant it amasses a large wealth.   The church are allowed to tax the populance of Kardien and Zorakin and take 10 % of a years production. The tax is collected at the same time as all other taxes are collected.  
  • Three cogs and several smaller ships.
  • Their own horse breeding in Kardien.
  • Several wineries and breweries.


The religion began in the city Arno on the isle Caddo where a child where born into a family of potmakers. He was named Odo and where taught to follow his fathers footsteps and such learned the trade of potmaking. When Odo came to age he opened his own business which where moderatly profitable. One of the reasons Odo never became a great potmaker where because more time walking in the nature and philosofise about the world, than caring for his venture.   The turning point in Odos life came when he was 27 years old. During a walk when he was alone with his thoughts he got a strong premonition from the god Etin, who divereged many thruths to him. Based on his premonitions Odo began preaching about the shining path and Etin. Within a few generations Odos teachings had become the dominant religion around the western parts of the Copper sea.   The year 278 the great schism within the church came. The schism were about if magic was allowed or not. In one letter Odo had written; "You should not change the creation of Etin. If you do so it will become an illusion". On Caddo the priesthood stated that all magic were prohibited, and on the mainland the argued that all magic was neutral and it was up to the user to abide within Etins will and the word of Odo. The year 281 the church split in two churches and both proclaimed the other to be heretics.

Demography and Population

The religion is primary a religion by humans for humans but it accepts other races within its ranks. But as humans are the most common species in the church there are only humans on positions of real power within the church.


The church owns land primarily in Kardien and Zorakin, and as it is excempt from taxes the church is very rich.   Zorakin: The churchs land is spread out within the realm and usually very small. But as they collect church tax from all the inhabitants within Zorakin the church is very rich and powerful in the country. The churches land are usually concentrated around a church and cemetary in the rural parts. Within urban regions the church owns the land centered around the church and municipary building which surrounds it. They are usually walled to create a barrier between the land of spirituality and the mundane world. The different orders also owns land as well which often are centered around a monastery or a castle.   Kardien: Within Kardien it is more common for the church to own large pieces of land almost to the area of a small barony. In these lands the church acts as a liege lords to the peasants. Within the Urban parts the ownership are more common the way it is in Zorakin.   Erebos: In Erebos the church own the land the churces are located upon as well as the cemetareies for the Followers of the faith. They also own the land where their municipal building are built upon.


Military orders such as the order of the knights of the sun. But they can also influence nobles and kingdoms who have military power to do the church biddings.   Within the larger cities they also have guard detachments made up of highly religious guards, whom are well paid and equipped by the local religious leader, such as a bontisal.

Technological Level

The church as a whole have access to most technological and scientific break throughs. but it does not mean it approves them or use them. But if a breakthrough are not considered to go agains the teachings of Odo the church will use it to further its goals.

Foreign Relations

No contact with the Caddo.


Within the church education are considered vital. A riark get at least rudimentary skills in reading and writing. Most also are educated in math in order for them to make accurat tenth calculations. As you get higher within the church the individual gets more and more education. But all education are based on the theology and the churchs needs rather than the individuals desire.   Within the monastaries and cloisthers at least some parts of each week are set aside for scholary activites, apart from more mundane activities.   some riarks considerer it their duty to hold schools for the children in their congregation. They reason that every person should be able to read important parts of the Golden book by themselves. There are some influental individuals within the church who agrees with them and manipulates the system toward making this part of the churches mandates. But other consider this to be a move against the natural order Etin have devised for Ereb Altor, and work to halt it.

Mythology & Lore

Etin is the only true god and as such he is the only god worth worshipping. All other Gods or deities are just misunderstandings of Etin or powerful spirits, but not true Gods. Etin is often represented by the sun as he is the force of true creation and life.   Etin is all powerful and sees all and knows all. When you die your soul are transported to the kingdom of death where it is judged for its deeds. Those whom have in lived in such a way to best served Etin will become saints and spend an eternity in never ending happiness by Etins side. Those whom have lived a life of sin will be thrown into hell where chaos and darkess prevail. Those inbetween must pass a long and tormentful penance for their sins before being granted eternal peace.     Creation myth:  In the beginning there was only void, cold and darkness and then Etin created light to fill the void and defeat the darkness. With light came warmth which chased away the cold. Etin created the world and as such all materials and he filled the world with life and all its beauty. Seeing the world he knew it needed sheperds ar chaos would ensure, Etin created a creature in his likeness which he called human. Humans were created in his likeness and granted humans their souls and the ability to think.  Weaker spirits saw what Etin had created and tried to do the same, only to realise they lacked the power of Etin. Instead they started seducing and lure Etins creations away and alter them. From their work came all the other species who saw the lesser powers as their Gods and started to pray to them.

Divine Origins

The shining path originated from the Country of Caddo when Odo started preaching it. It grew quickly and spread to the mainland early on.

Cosmological Views

Etin Etin is the only true god and as such he is the only one who truly can create life. Beneath him there are other powers whom are often misinterpereted as Gods or Godesses, but they can not create life only modify what Etin have only created.   The kingdom of death. The Kingdom of death are a realm of shadows ruled by death a powerful spirit in the service of Etin. Death is often depicted as a skeleton in a dark hooded robe carrying a scythe. Sometime death in the described form are called The Angel of Death. The kingdom of death is a bleak and shadowy place, were the you can only see a few meters before the the fog gets to dense. There is no smell, no touch and no sounds to be heard.   Hell The hell is described as a plane of fire, strife and torture. According to theological scholars it is divided into several realms whom all are ruled by a powerful spirit. These spirits have filled their realms with the souls of the sinner, murderers and wrong doers to torment as a punishmet of their sins. Those whom have been deemed worthy have been transformed into powerful spirits called devils. The ruler of this hell is Hemaquiel, also known as The hoofed demon, The horned one or the tempterer.   Hemaquiel Hemaquiel where originally a peaceful God of fertility, wisdom and joy. When dalcoi priests around 100 AO started to use him as Etins evil counterpart and the sworn enemy of The shining path he became angry and swore "If the servants of Etin claims me as their enemy, so I shall be". Since then it has been Hemaquils purpose to seduce humanity and lure them them to break the tenets of Etin.   Angarion A archangel of Etin who amongst other are a part of a old prophecy in cleansing the world. The prophecy where scribed by a mad monk around 200 A.O.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Etin is the greatest
  2. Do not abuse the tenements
  3. Honor your family
  4. Do not commit cruel actions
  5. Do not steal
  6. Keep your word
  In the scriptures Odo clearly states that magic which alters the creation of Etin is evil. The great schism is on how this should be interpreted. The mainland view on magic is that it is neither good or bad, but it depends on how you wield it. As long as it doesn't alter the nature as the nature where intended by Etin. Therfore necromancy is forbidden and illusionism is viewed with suspicion. Healing magic is allowed as living things heal naturally, magic just hasten the natural process. There have of course been thousands of books written on magic or even single spells, both trying to prove their point.


  • By respecting law and order and the community you serve Etin.
  • Live a life filled with respect for other living creatures and Odos teachings.
  • Show other the respect you want them to show you.


Blessing. Blessings are the most common ritual within the shining path. Most individuals ask for one when they think they need it. Such as when they have made a small sin, when they embark on a journey et cetera. Mostly it is considered as a ritual to strengthen the love for Etin and make sure you are still part of his realm, rather than actually be given a supernatural protection. The ritual consists of a  riark who dips his fingers in holy water and splashes it upon the one/ the thing to be blessed three times while uttering the words: Etin bless you my son/ daughter


The exark his the head of the church and considered holy. Beneath him are a curia consisting of six tots-kerigass. The curia could be considered the goverment of the church. Beneath the curia each country are led by a kerigass which in turn divides the country into smaller realms led by bontisal. The bontisal leads several parish whom each is led by a riark.  
  • Exark: The Exark is the head of the church and there is only one Exark.
  • Tots-Kerigass: The council and advisors to the Exark.
  • Kerigass: Each country are considered a kerisat, and a Kerigass are appointed to oversee the work of the church within it. The Kerigass are often the most influental member of the church in the country as they are the one who speaks with the countries leaders. They also have the whole church behind them and access to the Kerisats resources.
  • Bontisal: All Kerisats are divided into smaller regions called bontisats which are overseen by a bontisal. The bontisals are often adapted to fit with the local countries way of dividing their lands. This might sometimes cause frictions as several ranks of bontisals are needed. A prime exampel is the Zoraki feudalism where they have a bontisal for the duchy, a bontisal for each county in the duchy.
  • Riark: Riarks are the most common of the priesthood. There are usually a church in every village and each church have one riark tending to his/ her flock. A good riark usually knows everyone in his/ her persih by name and keep up with what they do and how they are. Riarks aren´t payed by the church an as such needs other sources of incom. On the other hand the church gives them a good education and they can work as scribes. Many have a small garden where they can grow their own vegetables and live of gifts from their followers.

Granted Divine Powers

  • Curse undead: the gifted individual can put a curse upon the undead which halves all of its (grundegenskaper), förflyttning and FV. In order to curse the undead the indivudal must see it and win a contest of will (PSY på motståndstabellen). The curse lasts for 1D4+2 days. The curses are not stackable, and if the undead are already suffers a negative affection on grundegenskaper, use the one which is the most severe.
  • Protection from magic: The individual can not be affected by any magical spell. He might still be targeted by physical spells like fireball.
  • Sunpower: The indivudal can summon forth a shining ball of light between his hands. The light is very strong and have the same effects as the sun, such as hurt vampires or petrify trolls. The ball costs one PSY per minute. The ball can also cast a BLIXT against enemies of the summoner. Each BLIXT costs one PSY per E. The PSY points are regained as normal.
  • Excorsism: By winning a PSY vs PSY on the motståndstabell against a spirit, the individual can throw it back to the realm it belongs for a while. It can be used against wights but not vampires.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The church of the Shining Path is the dominant religion in both Zorakin and Kardien on the mainland. As such it has much power as the king and noblemen follow its tenets. The church as an organisation have large land grants and have accumulated much wealth, which it uses to strenghten it grip on the countries. Many young daughters and sons of the noble class have entered the church and their family ties makes the influence of the church stronger.   The church also have a few knightly orders. The largest and most powerful is The knights of the sun. But there is also the smaller S:t Justin order and S:t Williams order.   There are a few monastic orders as well.


The shadow path. A hidden sect of sinners whom have accepted that they will end up in hell, and are trying to appease the rulers of hell to transform them into powerful spirit which would allow them avoiding their punishment after death. The Shadow path accept Etin as the supreme God but claims that just as Etin is the creator and lifegiver he also is the destructor and deathdealer. And therefore he is neither good or evil, he creates both good and evil and loves them both.   The brotherhood of the black rose. A sect of necromancers, demonologists and witches who worship Hemaquiel.   The singularity. A small but growing perception that Etin isn´t the greatest. He is the only God and all other religions are heresy. As such all other religions and species are meant to be subjects to Etins followers and humanity.

Etin is the greatest

Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
The church operates in many different countries and as such uses the currencies of the local country.
Legislative Body
The Curia are the group whom makes the rules of the church by interpreting the writings of Odo and other sources.
Judicial Body
The curia.
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Myths

Articles under The Shining Path - Mainland