
In the town of Farolleu most houses are made of stone, which is quite naturally as it is close by to the quarry.


  • Humans 80%
  • Other 20%
There are quite a few families of dwarves in the town, all working as stonemansons or blacksmiths. As they are longlived they have often been friends with several generations of the human populance. In general they seldom accepts a role in the council as they do not want to be a heavy influence on the local politics. But they are often asked for advice by the local councilmen.


The town are ruled by a council of trade and craftsmen led by a mayor. The baron are the official ruler of the town, but in general lets it rule itself as long as the taxes are paid in time.


The town is surrounded by a low but sturdy crenelated wall with towers. The towers are equipped with arbalest and some small catapults. The walls are not sufficient to hold a army intent to take the town, but that is of design. The defences are made to hold Black blood raiding parties at bay.

Industry & Trade

It is quite common with farmers coming to the town to sell their produce.


The roads of the town are mostly laden with stone, as it is cheap and easily accessible.


  • Thorgrimms smithy: A smithy owned by a old dwarf. Although he in general likes to do smithies for buildings and farmings he is a master weaponsmith as well. he has made the weapons of all dwarves whom have reched adulthood in the town the last century. His weapons are made to look like human weapons, with some dwarven details, creating a very specialized style. He only do weapons on demand and there are no weapons sold over disk.
  • Barwons Inn: Barwon and his wife Nichki are dwarves who run the best Inn in town. They apologize for the standard the recent recession have forced them into when they pour the oatmeal with a few pieces of pork in it. Otherwise it is a nice Inn they keep clean and good.

Guilds and Factions

The stonemason guild is strong in the town.


The buildings in the town are mostly one story and built of stone. Even the poorer houses are made of well cut stone, as many families for generations have been tied to the quarry.

Natural Resources

The town are supported by the local produce from the surrounding farms and villages. It is the main market in the barony.
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization