Barony Garouex

Baron Doron Auxbon - A Raxorian and proud of it   The barony of Garouex is a barony whose main source of income is from the large quarry, owned by the Baron. The quarry is the heart and soul of the barony and the economics are organized around it. Most of the adult populace work in the quarry or somehow support the quarry, directly or indirectly. Most of the produce of the farmers in the barony are funneled into the quarry to sustain the stoneworkers and masons. As such most villages are situated close to the quarry and the roads leading between them are actually better built than ordinary in Zorakin. There are lots of wilderness within the barony that are not patroled and few humans ever venture through. Most of the eastern part of the barony is wilderness as the land is not arable and there are few natural resources making it worth to settle. there are a few stragglers aking it out, but there are more ruins from farms abandoned to the wilderness.   Garouex is a considered a poor barony as the economy is very internal, and the demand for stonemasonry is quite low for the time being. It becomes quite clear for a traveler that the meals served in the taverns are watery and the plate might not be as full as in the south. Also the people seems to be quite thin and the clothes well worn, but they do seem to be quite content.   The barons castle is in close proximity to the quarry, as is the town Farolleu, which is the main settlement of the barony.   On a hill overlooking the lake "Cormacs Folly" there is a monastery located. It is self sustained by the 10 monks of different ages living there. Apart from the monks there are also two older templars from the knightly order whom have semi retired in the monastery and fulfill the role of guardians. Due to the close proximity to the Aidne mountains the walls are sturdy and all the monks are trained in combat to degree. They are well supplied with crossbows and bolts, as well as leather armour and spears. One of the templars are a Hippogriff rider and his Hippgriff "Arragoth" are present is the monastary as well. It lives on the roof of the stable. Arragoth have killed or chased away all Harpies whom used to have their homes in the clifftops close by.   The barony have a large lake called "Cormacs Folly" within it's realm from where the locals organises fishing expiditions. All fishing are made from the banks as every boat have been destroyed by the monster in the lake. The lake are said to be named after a Raxorian noble and hero who decided to kill the monster and went out on the lake in a boat. According to the folktales the monster ate the boat with him in it.


Part of the Zorakin culture with strong Raxorian influence


A large stone quarry

Demography and Population

Although humans are the most common of all races living in the barony there are a large proportions of dwarves as well. Many of them work in the quarry, and lives in the surrounding villages. The dwarves have lived in the barony for many generations are considered ordinary citizen of Zorakin rather than part of a own race, ruling themselves. Although the dwarves some times marry between the local families the most common is that the young dwarves travel around for a while searching for a spouse. This is to avoid inbreeding as most local dwarves are relatives in one way or another.
  • Humans 80%
  • Dwarves 10%
  • Other 10%
  • Military

    The baron have three knights and a standing force of 15 men at arms, all of them Raxorians. Apart from these forces he can muster a militia of approximatly 50 individuals with no or low training.

    Technological Level

    The same as Zorakin


    It is a great pride of the locals of the barony that there is a monestary in the barony.

    Agriculture & Industry

    The barony have a large and well developed quarry. The quality is high and there is sufficient workforce to maintain it. Apart from that there is little industry in the barony. The agricultural output is low and hardly sufficient to feed the local populance, which makes it necessary to import food.

    Trade & Transport

    The level of trade is low as the need for stone is low, which keeps the prices low. The main export are stone, and the main import is food.


    The level of education are higher than expected as quarrying demands a bit of knowledge. Also there have been a drive from the local monks educating the peasants.


    As it is necessary with good roads to transport the heavy stones for export the infrastructure is good. At least from the quarry to the kings road.
    Geopolitical, Barony
    Leader Title
    Head of State
    Government System
    Monarchy, Absolute
    Power Structure
    Feudal state
    Economic System
    The same as Zorakin
    Major Exports
    Major Imports
    Legislative Body
    The baron creates the local law as long as they do not interfer with the laws of Zorakin or The shining path
    Judicial Body
    The baron is the interpreder of the law
    Official State Religion
    Parent Organization
    Official Languages
    Controlled Territories
    Related Species

    Articles under Barony Garouex