

Felicien is ruled by a king or queen, who has fifteen indivduals in the council. These people are made up of three representants from each of the five large regions of the country. (One representant from the military, one from the artisans and merchants and one from the capitals goverment). Each individual on the council have one vote each, but the King have four votes. This system usually means that the King can enforce his decicions if he have support from at least two of the groups in the council. The King have the right to tax trade and industry to support the kingdoms expenses. The title king is heridatary. The members of the councils are chosen in different ways. (From the army a high ranking officer are voted)


Unlike most other countries and cultures surrounding the Copper sea the Felician culture is very Mathrical and many women hold high ranking titles. This stems from the old tradition that women should not be doing hard labour, and therefore thay have had other kind of work, such as bankir, politicians and craftsmen. The access to slaves have also freed them from managing household or training children. Women are found in most levels as men in what could be considered manly trades, such as craftmanship, trade and the army. Few Felicians work with farming, fishing, woodcutting or mining as such labour hard work are for the slaves.   The Felician family is not very hard knitted and most children have left their homes by the age of 20, often advancing their career within the army or navy. HAving served for a couple of years are often a necessity for getting high paying job within the Felician society. When a Felician grows old they often retire and are supported by their children who pays for the slaves taking care of the old people.

Public Agenda

It is quite clear that Felicien wants to rule the Copper sea and its trade.

Demography and Population

1 700 000 individuals. Half of them are slaves.   100% humans.


Felicien are located on the southern part of the Tolan peninsula, to be more precis it is made up of all land south of the Erbula mountain range. The country is divided into two by the Koalint bay. All three large cities are located on the shores of the Koalint bay. The northeren landmass is called Kritos and the southern part Pelenos. Apart from the core Felicien have three colonies as well, the slavetrading cities called Bylos, Caranier in the former Dermanien. And also the group of island called Hakkai on the coast of Solana. East of Pelenoss there is the Gerdikk archipelago where a large clam and pearlfishing are run using Kea as the centre


A large and very strong navy, supported by a small but highly proffessional army.

Trade & Transport

A very rich country.   Although it lacks much of the core natural resources such as largeĀ  arable land and large forests, Felicien is one of the richest countries in Ereb. Most Felicians are traders or craftsmen, including the women. The central location of Felicien have made it a strong trading nation.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
Craft, Precious stones, Pearls, Wine and stone (marble).
Major Imports
Timber, Cloth, Metals and slaves
Neighboring Nations
Related Species