
Throughout the whole of Ereb Altor the humans are the dominant species, and can be found on all continents.    In the contionent Ereb there are many humans of diverse commons, but the two main threads are the one from Jori descendancy and Nargurian descendancy. The Jori comes from the south and inhabited the shores of the Copper sea. Mostly they are around 170 to 180 cm, and their skin have a copper tone. Most Jori cultures prioritise the commons above the individual. A result of this cultural trait is the Imperium Jorpagnia.   The Nargurians are the other common thread of humanity in Ereb. They are mostly found in the northern parts of Ereb. The Nargurian are often more freedom loving and there are still many nomadic tribes to be found within their realms.   Humans are a very common race in the Ereb Altor world. As they inhabit most of the world and have several different cultures they are very hard tro describe in a few words.

Articles under Human