
The Habulons are descendants of the Northern Barbarians who decided to leave the mainland around 1500 B.O. and become a seafaring people. They make their home on the small islands called the Habulon island in the Bay of Ardi. During their isolation they evolved away from the mainland barbarians into a society of their own, with its own culture. They are a silent and warlike people who prefers their actions show who they are. As a rule it is quite hard to make conact with them and they seem to like it that way. Most individuals who have had contacts with Habulons describe them as indifferent as the sea and their eyes as unreadable as the depths. It is well known that their temper shift as fast as the weather on the seas. Everytime a Habulon speaks there is a deeper and more secret meaning in what they say. In a way the Habulons seems like they are always sombre but content and proud.   Their seafaring capabilities have made it possible for the Habulons to survive on the small island which is their homes. It is unclear how theu could survive the dark ages , and perhaps there is some essence of truth in the legends of them leaving the islands to other shores where they waited for better times. One of these signs are their ships which are way better than the loca ships, and with a totally different built. They are reminiscent of the ships from the cultures west of Barbia. The Habulons live of fishing but several times through history they have sustained themselves through piracy.   Although the trade with Barbia have been rich there are signs they have begun taking up piracy again. And as their combat prowess on the sea is unmatchable for most other local tribes it is a real threat to trade.
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