
It is said that you can smell a harpy far before you can see it. It is also said that you can hear their screeching from far away as well. Borth of the statements have a grain of truth within them. Harpies are vicious cadaverous and unclean beasts who make their home on hill sides, which is covered with their waste. They are a nuisance to travelers and home steads in the regions they inhabit and it is not uncommon for the local ruler to have a bounty on them. But as they are agile flyers and their nest are hard to reach they seldom are hunted to extintion. Also as the nest and surrounding cliffs are covered in their waste it is a terrible place, and the risk of catching a disease is high. Harpies are notorious defilers and loves to drop their waste on humanoids or in their food.   Harpies are a mix of a human woman and a large bird. They are semi sentient and there is a debate wether they are to be considered a individual with a soul or an animal.       Every time a Harpy injures someone there is a 5% chance of the victim to contract a disease.
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  KP:11, Naturligt skydd 1p, Förflyttning: L4/ F14

Basic Information


A harpy have the head and chest of a mangly human woman, but the rest of the body is that of a vulture. On the wings there is a protohand with vicious claws, but no opposing thumbs. The claws on the legs are strong and sharp, and can easily grab a small child or pet and carry away them to a horrible fate.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is unknown how Harpies reproduce, but is clear that they do.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Harpies are meat eaters but prefer cadavers whom have started to rot. They do hunt and the prey they kill are usually left in their nest to rot for a while.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Harpies gang up in small packs of 2 to 5 individuals, but there might be several packs living in close proximity to each other and co exists without strife.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They live in mountainous areas in warm countries. They are not found in places where it regulary have snow, ice and low temoeratures. The scholars claim it is because they are warmblooded and do not use fire or clothes.

Average Intelligence

In general their intelligence is on the level of a very stupid and simple human. They prefer instant gratification and lack the mental possibility of long time planning.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Harpies have no olfactory senses. The eyesight and hearing is on the same level as humans.

Civilization and Culture


There is a debate as of they stem from wicked women who where punished by some god in the ancient past. Or if they were created by magicians in the ancient past.
Geographic Distribution