
Located on the south western part of the Ereb continent is the peninsula Aidne. The climate is warm and it has many sun hours, and the land is fertile. Slicing through the peninsula is the Ainde mountain range with high ice capped mountains from which several large rivers flows towards the surrounding seas. Aidne is divided into several different areas.
  • To the north of Aidne mountains is the Snoar. It is home to the country of Goiana and several barbarian tribes of humans, which have little to no contact with the civilised countries of Aidne.
  • To the north west is Antivins "udde" which is a part of the kingdom of Kardien.
  • Between Snoar and Antivins "udde" is a patch of land known as "Inmark"
  • To the south east is "Faltraxnäs" which is the furthest to the west any one can travel.
  • The peninsula Divras "udde" is the most eastern part of Kardien and the ancient home to the Echter.
  • The large peninsula named Grindau is the western part of Zorakin, and the home of both the Penner and the Raxorians.
  • The east part of Zorakin makes up the peninsula called Indar.
  The Peninsula Aidne is large and home to several countries.  
  • Goiana
  • Kardien
  • Zorakin
  • Caddo
  • Erebos
  Mountain range : Aidne mountains   Forests: Bryhildur forest,   Seas: To the south is the Copper sea and to the west and north is the Western sea.


The penisula is large and incorporates many different kinds of land. The most noticeable is the mountain range called the Aidne mountains. It cuts throught the peninsula frome east to the west. As you come closer to the shorelines the landscape is much different, with large plain rolling fields.   There are several rivers and large forests as well making the land both rich and fertile.   To the south the sea called "Copper sea".

Articles under Aidne