
One of the prehistoric Half Gods or demon prince was the Goddess of the undead and eternal torment, Imária. When the wrath of the Gods hit Ereb Altor she was imprisoned in a subterran chamber on a island. Her shackles were made in such a way that no one of her kind could undo them.   Eons passed by and and Imária languished in her prison, sensing only beasts and creatures outside. Then suddenly one day she sensed something new, she sensed that intelligent beings hade come to her island. In desperation she tried to reach out to them mentally, but her powers had been powers were diminished. It is said that many became mad and took their lives as they couldnt handle Imárias words. It took almost three hundred years until she managed to find one mind which she could reach, the young queen Karaleia VII. Shortly afterwards she was freed and shortly thereafter her dark soul had cursed the inhabitants of the island Monturerna. She named Karaleia her high queen together with two other women and bestowed upon them high power. The rest of the inhabitants of the island she transformed into different kinds of undead. Those whom Imária deemed worthy became sentinent undead while the rest were gifted to the worthy in the form of animated followers.   When Monturerna were subjugated she began planning for conquering the world. She began with building a hidden subterran city from where she could rule. Then the third conflux hit. A large portion of her undead where destroyed by the insects and the rest sought shelter in the hidden city.   Imária desperatly sought to hide from the red moon Raukha had only one place to seek shelter, her old prison. She went there to wait it out, but the insects are said to be sent by one of her siblings, Tupagon, whom restored her schackles again and binding her in her old prison. His followers took the keys to the shackles with them when they left the Montures. Unfortunatly the new schackles were not as powerful as the schackles of old had been, and as such her mental powers could reach further, and she could sense her high priestess being caught beneath the mountains as well.   Imária is biding her time and know full well humans have reastablished themselves on the island. And as a few of her rings have been found, she can use them to gather information and in small parts influence what is happening.

Divine Domains

Undead: Imária stands for the truth that life is an unnatural state and affront to the material realm. In her world there is no life only the spirit and sentience. being alive is a crime for which the living are to be punished through eternal torment. As the Goddess of undead she craves for the material realm to be cleansed of live and those spirirts whom are worthy to become animated in flesh and bone and bound to her will.   Torment: As those spirits whom have become bound in a living being are breaking the most fundamental of Imárias laws, she judges them to eternal pain and torment. The crime of being alive can only be paid in pain and unless the price is paid, the spirit will never be judged worthy. The price whould start being paid while alive so it can be felt in the material plane and then it will be continued in Yflasefugh, until Imária judges the spirit worthy. Imária will also find pleasure in sensing that her worshippers induldges in inflicting suffering in other living beings. Worshippers whom have commited acts where others pain have been immense have been known to be blessed with undeath.   Yflasefugh: Yflasefugh is described as a plane of fire and eternal torment for those whom enter or are banished to it. The most common descriptions are to be found within The Shining Path, as it is described as a part of Hemaniquels realms but in some of the older dust filled scrolls the act that the head demon preciding over it is named Imaria.


Rings of Imaria: Once Iámaria had been set free by Karaleia and judged all souls on the Montures those whom have been granted higher undeath, was bestowed with a ring whom Karaleia ordered to be manufactured. Each of the rings were made from silver and had a small crystal, worked into a small ball, inserted into it. On the inside the wearers name and the year -1022 B.O. (in Krunian counting) was engraved. The wearer all went before Imária whom blessed the ring after the wearer swore eternal obedience to her.   During the third conflux many of the undead were destroyed by the flesheating insects and the society fell. Many of the rings now lay at the bottom of the sea surrounding the "Gideoncliff" were the undead owners fell. Those rings were the owner fell in the land of Monture have been found and spread throughout Ereb Altor.   The rings in themselves are not magical, but they are blessed by a Demonprince/ half god and those who have the ability can sense they are artefacts of great power. Imárias dark soul have tainted the rings and as such they are a conduit to her, and they are meant for evil. Through the ring she can wield her power upon the wearer and uses it to influence her followers in the hidden city and Karaleia (whose ring is made of gold just as those who belonged to the other high priestessess). When conduiting her power to her undead followers she does so directly, but when it comes to the unknowingly wearers in Ereb Altor she works through Karaleia instead.   imaria can use the following powers on the bearer of a ring.
  • Inflicting pain upon the wearer at her chosen intensity. Small pain for small defiances or numb inducing pain for larger. If Imária is unschackled she can kill the wearer outright.
  • She can give the wearer an order to achieve. The wearer are not a will less slave and will try to achive it smart. Imaria decides how much information the wearer should get about who issued the order and for some the order might just be a urge to do this.
  • Imaria may grant the wearer some knowledge of her. 3T20 experience points in theology (her set of gods)
  • Imaria can use all of the wearers senses temporarily. He does not have to be undead for her to use them.
  • Imaria can control (during the night) the wearers body for 2T6 SR.
  • Imaria can use the wearer to cast her magic through him. The wearer pays the cost of PSY points for the spell.
  • Karaleia can send a short sentence straight into the mind of the wearer, but it cost her 5 PSY to do so.
  • Karaleia can see the surroundings of the ring through the crystal.
  • Karaleia can cast a spell through the ring and all reach are from the crystal ball. The wearer are considered touching unless they wear a glove. 

Personality Characteristics


Imárias primary goal is to make sure Karaleia are set free, as no matter what have happened to the keys to Imárias shackles she will recognise them. Karaleia are the only one as far as Imária knows who can set her free. Once free she will reastablish her control over the Monturerna and then begin planning for her conquest of the world.

Likes & Dislikes

Her main rival within the Octagon is Tupalon as her insects destroys the dead flesh and are a vital part in pollination, making life possible.

Articles under Imaria