
High priestess Karaleia

Karaleia makes a exquisit visage with her pale skin, raven black hair and lithe body. But the truth is that she is a monster, an ageless vampire and high priestess of Imária. Once Karaleia was known as the youngest queen Monturia ever have had, but she was dominated by Imaria who broke her will. Karaleia was transformed into a vampire and became her Goddess servant. Karaleia is totally ruthless but prefer to infiltrate rather than using brute force. She is a brilliant actress and she could easily slip into any civilisation in order to do her dark deeds.   At the present Karaleia are trapped inside a temple of Imaria, within a mountain on the island of Monturerna. She has been trapped there since the third conflux.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Perfect, alluring and beautiful.

Body Features

Everything about her projects beauty and perfection. It is unclear if she had it before her death or if her transformation into a vampire made her look like that, as a part of being a perfect predator.

Facial Features

She is beautiful to the point she seems unreal. Her face is smooth and there are no signs of imperfections such as blemishes.

Special abilities

Karaleia is a Vampire in a sort of way, but much more powerful. Some vampires who know about her consider her to be vampire perfection.   Karaleia can walk in the sun without being destroyed. It will cause her much pain and she can´t use her vampiric powers while in the sun. The more shadow the lesser the pain, but that is the only relief shadows brings her.   Protection from holy symbols. Karaleia do not take damage from holy symbols, neither does she fear them and shun them To her they are just jewellery.    Karaleias STR do not shrink if she does not drink blood. For her drinking blood is the only way to regain PSY points.   She can be seen in a mirror.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears a black high priestess robe which leaves almost nothing to the imagination.

Specialized Equipment

All clothes and equipment she wears are magical.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Karaleia was the firstborn child of a King whos name is long forgotten. A few years after she was born the King and queen gave birth to two more children, Karaleias younger brothers. Although she was the oldest of the children, the law was clear on the fact that her brothers would sit on the throne before she could. Karaleia resented her lot in life and grew up to be a spoiled young lady who were acustomed to do as she wished and get what she wanted. Karaleia was also a rebellious child and filled with a yearning for knowledge and power. Karaleia enduldged herself in drugs and sex looking for something which she couldn´t explain to herself. She also discovered she enjoyed whipping her slaves and she found solace in screams of tortured prisoners. All before her 15th birthday. Using her beauty and body she gained lots of allies amongst the powerful in the society, and Karaleia used her influence to undermine her fathers rule. Karaleia also used her connections to gain dark knowledge and collect tomes of evil magic. Upon her 18th birthday and shortly before her wedding which her father had arranged she set her plans in motion. She used the tomes and knowledge she had produced to summon a demon, and by bargain a few slaves souls she arranged for the demon to kill her family. The demon ravaged the castle while Karaleia was on a trip and it killed all of her family and most of the staff. Karaleia quickly seized power (1024 B.O.) and accused her suitor for the vile deeds. He and all of his family, down to the infants, were cast into the castles dungeons never to be seen again. After Karaleias rise to power her indulgens in pain, sex and other vices rised to new heights and her people suffered for it. As her pain fueled orgies in the dungeons needed more people, more people were cast into it for crimes which earlier had led to a small fine. Stories of black robed men searching the land for children to abduct quickly spread. Nothing seemed to sate Karaleis appetites for pain, misery and suffering. But she was not content she wanted more, she wanted all people bent to her will and to fear and worship her.   In the year 1022 B.O. the young queen Karaleia VII had a vision of a Goddess who were imprisoned in a cave somewhere in the mountains of Monturerna. The Goddess promised the young queen unimaginable power and wealth if she freed the Goddess from her schackles. Karaleia accepted and sold her soul to the half Goddess Imária, the undead and torments Goddess. After searching for over two months Karelia managed to free Imária from her schackles which had bound her since ages long forgotten. When Imaria stepped into the material realm, all living things on the island died and rose again as undead. Karaleia where granted the gift of vampirism and became imárias high queen. Karaleia led the work of building a hidden subterran city on the island.   During the third Conflux a large part of the undead were destroyed by the insects with their blue stones, and the remnants withdrew to the hidden city. But when the island fell and were separated into two pieces, Karelia were in the temple and was captured within by the stones.

Morality & Philosophy

Karaleia consider pain a holy thing to worship, rather than to avoid. She believe that inflicting torment and pain on living beings is the only way to please Imária who will rule the world, and also have the sole right to rule the world.   She also believes that life is an affront to the order of things and death is the natural state. All living things are to be punished through eternal punishment and torment. The greatest of honours is to be granted sentience in a dead body. Magical undead are more practical, use the flesh and bone for tasks. The only reason Karaleia would find to create a higher undead out of a enemy, is to make him or her suffer. As Karaleia would control the spirit and she would make the enemy kill all he or she loves, preferably by a slow torture. And then she would order him to sit and remember what he have done for the rest of his existence.


She can not participate in a deed which would create a new life, or being a part in the cycle of life. No festivals for crops to grow et cetera. Sex as pleasure is ok, but not sex to concieve. Giving birth is the largest affront to her beliefs there is.

Personality Characteristics


Karaleia yearns to be free so she can begin searching for the keys to unlock the Schackles of Imária. She can sense that they are not on the island anymore but that they are still in the material plane. She are through her connection to the rings of Imaria aware of several cabals of followers who she uses in the search for ways to free her or finding the keys to Imárias shackles.   Karaleia are tied to Imária and can be used as a channel of her powers through the rings. Karaleia knows full well that the dominant craving Imária can drive frail human minds crazy, often conduit Imárias power so she is the middle person between Imária and her servants in the mundane world. Where Imária would crush their will and dominate them Karaleia lies, decieves and manipulates them to do her bidding. Many of the cabals thinks they follow Karaleia, while they unknowingly sells their souls to Imária.   Karaleia have made sure a few ringbearer are on the mainland searching for the keys, by trying to find places where the veil is weak and sifting through lore and history to find clues. She have made sure to start up a few cabals as well to prepare the world for Imária.


Contacts & Relations

The only contact she has with the outside world is through magic. All her connections are long dead.

Religious Views

Her own will are long gone and she exists to do her mistress bidding. She worships Imária as the only Godess and can´t wait until Imária have transformed Ereb Altor into her realm.
Current Status
She is trapped in a underground temple
Honorary & Occupational Titles
High priestess of Imária.
1042 B.O. 1022 B.O. 20 years old
Long straight black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Extremely pale white
157 cm
50 kg