
The only known vampires in Ereb Altor originates from humans, which have been transformed into a vampire by another vampire. Vampirism is considered either a disease, curse or gift from a God, all depending on your point of view.   Vampires are undead creatures who are created by another vampire. As such they have no need for food or drink and will never age, neither will they fall sick or die from poison. They can never see the sun as sunlight will kill them and they are repulsed by holy symbols from Gods whose domain are life.     A vampire can calm a victim by winning a PSY test. The victim becomes drowsy just as if he have used strong drugs. The reality turns into a dreamlike trance state, making it hard for the victim to realise what has happened when he/ she wakes up.   A vampire might only be killed permanently by:
  • Being hit by sunlight.
  • Getting a wooden stake through the heart.
  • Hitting its heart by a silver weapon.
  • Having at least 50 g of silver powder in the blood veins.
A vampire can not be critically injured or fall unconcious. They are immune to natural fire and can heal magical fire injuries through resting through out the day. They are immune to all diseases and poisons.   STY: *3, STO: *1, FYS: 0, SMI: *1,5, INT: *1, PSY: *1,5, KAR: *1,5.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

All vampires where once human and still looks like humans. But as they are dead they do not have a heart beat and neither do they breathe. A vampires skin is cold to touch as they have the same temperature as the surrounding area and their skin are very pale. The blood within their veins flow through the body through magic and very fast.

Genetics and Reproduction

Vampires are purposefully created by another vampire, by draining the blood of a victim and for three nights keeping the victim alive by feeding her/ him with vampire blood.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Vampire can only sustain themselves on blood from a living victim, and human blood calls for them on a level which is hard to explain for a non vampire. They can live on blood from non humans but it will never satisfy them. They can eat and drink normal food but they find no nurture or taste in it, and the vampire have to wait until it has rotted enough to be able to pass through the body. Not a pleasant experience for a vampire, neither a nice smell as well.   They loose 1 KP each day they do not get fresh blood. Each SR the vampire have his fangs in a victim it can drain the victim of 3KP.


When created the vampire are the same person as he or she once were, with the exception of a strong desire to drink blood. As most cultures consider vampires to be evil they often hide in the shadow. Vampires spend the day asleep, preferably in a coffin filled with dirt from their homeland. They shun sunlight as it will kill them.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Vampires retains the same level of intelligence as they had in their natural life. But as they do not forget things and if they manage to stay alive for a long time they collect a lot of knowledge, which they use. This can make them seem more intelligent than they actually are.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Vampires have excellent hearing and eyesight which are above what a human can get. Their olfactory sense is on the same level as most dogs and they can smell blood from several meters away.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

Most vampires prefer dark clothings as it hides blood stains.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

When a vampire creates another vampire they often allow them to stay for a decade or more, during which the old vampire teaches the new born the inns and outs of being a vampire.

Common Taboos

Drinking blood from elves as it is said to kill vampires if they ingest it.


Although it is clear that Vampires have preyed upon men for most of the known history it is unclear from where vampires originated. But there are many theories, and different cultures have had different answers.   One creation myth which is spread and known through many cultures is that vampires were created by an evil God or Goddess who wanted sapient but undead servants. She created the first vampires and they spread throughout the world. Some vampires fully believes in this explanation and have foresworn their existans to a God or Goddess.   The church shining path defines vampires as individuals cursed by Etin and that they are foresworn to serve Hemquiel.

Historical Figures

Emperor Cladivis III: Cladivis reigned for a very short time and it is unknown if he was a vampire when he ascended the throne or if he became one while sitting upon it. Cladivis is known for being an evil tyrant and spending the nights in debauchary. He killed and drank the blood of many slaves and reveld in blood shed. It is claimed he was killed by a young farmer girl who begged him to kill and eat her rather than her little brother. Her sacrifise made her blood holy and the emperor died as he drank her.

Common Myths and Legends

A long time ago the Demon prince Imaria created a land for her people on a island far away. It fell and she was bound into the mountain, but has vowed to break free. When she does she will kill all living things and turn them into undead. Imaria is known as the princess of the undead and eternal torment.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
They can only be killed by external force