Kardish mountain lion

STY: 33, STO: 21, FYS: 14, SMI: 16, INT: 2, PSY:11 KP: 18, SB: XXXX, Nat.skydd: 2 p skinn, Förflyttning: L16 1 Bett(1T8) 14, 2 Claws(1T6) 14 Climb 14, Upptäcka fara 17, Smyga 14, Gömma sig 10

Basic Information


Mountain lions of Kard is a large feline predator with a small lynx tail.

Genetics and Reproduction

The mountain lion is a mammal and gice birth to three two five cubs per years.

Ecology and Habitats

The only known habitat is the Kard mountain range where it is thriving.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are pack hunters where the pack usually consist of three pairs. Mostly it is the males whom hunt, but all adult and semi adult join the hunt if the game is very large. Their tactics is to single out a sick or old from the herd and then the ground hunters tries to lead it towards a place where a hidden lion attacks from above.    Lions whom are moving between packs hunts by themselves and prefer smaller game.   Packs of lions have been known to kill cave trolls, but there is no evidence of them actually eating the meat. It have more been about protecting the territory.

Biological Cycle

They are born with a white fur which changes colour as they grow into maturity. The male lion develops a white/ silver fur while the female deveops a pale yellow/ golden fur.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They are pack animals, where a pack consists of three adult pairs. The cubs are driven away if there is no room for them when they reach adulthood. Also now and then one of the adult looses interest in the pack and choose to find a new.


A cub who are brought up in captivity are never really tame or domesticated. But they might find the life good and accept it. Getting fed regulary and a warm fire is quite nice after all.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The fur is very valuable and sought after. Also teeth and claws are considered a mark of courage to have.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Kard mountain lion is only found within the Kard mountain range. But there it is thriving and adds to the danger of traveling the mountain.

Average Intelligence

They are a feline pack hunting animal which means that they are very intelligent for being an animal. They can plan and execute ambushes and cooperate well within the pack.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They are a top predator and as such have excellent hearing, eye sight and smell. They are dusk and dawn hunters whom sleep through night so they do not have any special night sight.
Average Physique
The Kard mountian lion is the largest known species of lions known in Ereb. They are muscular and heavy built. They are not long distance runners but rather climbers and short sprinting and jumping.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The cubs have a white and grey fur which transforms as they reachers adulthood. The males develop a white fur with sparkles with silver within it. The female develops a pale yellow fur which sparkles as gold.
Geographic Distribution