
Kard is the region of north eastern part of the continent Ereb. It is a cold and harsh region filled with large mountains covered in snow throughout the year round and the lower regions covered in dark pine forests. The shores are rocky and dangerous in calm weather but even more so in the frequent storms which batters the shores. Especially during the long autumn and early winter. Kard is home to several countries such as Jorduashur, Ransard and Palinor, but also small communities not part of any larger unions. The human populance of the region is often tall, well built and pale of skin due to the lack of sun.   Kard is ,compared to the south regions of Ereb, a barbaric and uncivilized part of the continent. The landscape seldom delivers an abundance of crop making it hard for people to make a living, and as such there has never been room for strong civilisations to develop. Almost all human populance live by the coastline or other waterways making the inlands very dangerous places dominated by beasts and monsters.   In the region there is also a strain of trolls known as Kard trolls with their own sub species. They are different from their southern counterparts and some times they are a threat while other they are trade partners and allies.    Kard mountains: The mountian range of Kard dominates the horisont of almost all human settlements, with its dark granite and white winter filled peaks, often covered in dark grey clouds. Kard mountains has its most northern part in jourdashur and divides the country in a eastern and western part. The mountain range countinues south into Ransard and separates it from Palinor. The peaks of Kard are amongst the highest and most dangerous in all of Ereb. Many large tribes of black blood makes its home in the lower parts of the range. While the higher peaks are home to Trolls and Giants. A large mountain with several peaks in the Jorduashur part of the range is home to the largest known dwarven settlement in the eastern part of Ereb.


Kard peninsula ranges border the Mirelien region of Ereb by south where the border of Ransard clashes with Mirel and Palinor. To the east it dissolutes into unamed territories inhabitated by barbaric tribes and the land of Orghin.   Most of the land in Kard is hilly and covered with thick and dark pine forest. Only river vallies and the plain land around the shores are somewhat easily inhabitated. As you head on inland the Kard mountains start to dominate the landscape.

Fauna & Flora

The Pine forest dominates the landscape and almost all flora and fauna have to adapt to it. In general the small to medium range of prey such as deer have been out competed and the elk and visent size animals dominate. The smaller sizes such as hares and rabbits are also very common. And as such the predator have also adapted. The common wolf are very rare and their role are dominated by the much larger wulf. Amongst the bear the Grizzly bear is the most common in the southern lowland part, while the Ice bear dominates the north. As you get higher into the mountains the Cave bear dominates amongst the bears.   There are few feline predators in the region but lynxes are well known, as is the Kard mountain lion which is very dangerous, but their golden or silver fur are very valuable.   The weather is harsh and cold and most animals have developed a heavy fur which are valuable as trade goods.

Natural Resources

The region is rich with high grade minerals such as copper, tin and iron. All quite easily excavated. There is also an abundance of wood for building and keeping warm. But during the long, dark and cold winter months food is scarsce and hard to find. Even fishing is hard when the winter ice covers the waters.
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