Lady of the forest

All human societies close to forests tell stories about young beautiful women luring males to their death in the forests. There are loose accounts as well of males whom have seen pretty naked women trying to lure them into the forests with pretty smiles. And as it is recorded several times of males who venture into the forests and just disappear, the legend and histories keep growing of the dangerous Lady of the forest.   In Zorakin and Kardien another name for the Lady of the forest is Daughter of Brynhildur, and the legends are very vivid. Especially around the forest of Brynhildur.   According to elven scholars the creature known as Lady of the forest is a spirit in the same sense as Najads and Dryads. They are from the spirit world but have made the plunge into the material realm for one reson or another. But as they lack a place or thing full of life to which they are bound, they feed on their own energy. This of course kills them and they need to feed from other living things to gather more energy. The species known as lady of the forest have learned how to charm males, mostly humans and by sex feed from their energy.   Lady of the forest are not evil, even thoguh their actions can be percieved as evil. They honestly cannot understand that their actions kills men or even what death is.

Basic Information


All known Lady of the forests looks like young and beautiful human girls. But their backs are hollow and they do not have any lungs or guts.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is unknown if they can reproduce and there is no known descriptions of children.

Ecology and Habitats

All lady of the forests live in forests, and often close by human settlements.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They feed of males, mostly humans. It is unclear exactly what they actually feed of, if it is the meat or as the elves suggest life force.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Lady of the forests have been found in all forests where there is or have been a human population close by.

Average Intelligence

It is unclear how intelligent they actually are, but there are no known constructs made by Lady of the forests.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their hearing and sights are in the same range as humans, but their sense of smell is way better. They can also smell life force from very long distances.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

There is no record of a Lady of the forest have ever spoken.

Common Dress Code


Historical Figures


Common Myths and Legends

In Zorakin and Kardien there is a myth that in some versions declare that the species where created by a maiden namen Bryhildur fled into a forest and got eaten by Wyvyerns. Her spirit where so angry at males, that it broke through from the realm of the dead and became the first Lady of the forest.
Genetic Ancestor(s)