Mount Clairevienneu

In the centre of the barony Graennit there is a mountain peak dominating the landscape. The peak is called Mount Clairevienneu and it is an inhospitable place surrounded by folk lore. The local people stay way clear of it for several reasons. There are no known ore to mine and the Pine wood isn´t of a quality which makes it worth it to cut down. The peak is also a well known nesting place for Wyvyerns.   The land surrounding the peak is water bogged although not a swamp. The reason is that all the rain water and natural springs on the mountain are collected at the foot of it, and there are no real drainage. The maountain sides are steep and it is very hard to climb, although the fact it is covered with pine trees.


The mountain is a lone mountain located in the Barony of Greannit. It dominates the barony and is clearly visible from all of the barony. It is surrounded by waterfilled land where all the rainwater and local springs water is collected. The mountian in it self is covered in pine forest which is dense. The mountain sides is steep and hard to climb.   On the northern side the mountain side is not covered in wood or moss as it is a long steep cliff.


The mountain is a good nesting place for reptiles and serpents, which can easliy be found enjoying the sun on the cliffs. The mountain does not have high and nutrien grass and as such there isn´t any deers or similar animals living on the mountain. There are on the other hand several strains of rabbbits or hares to be found, which are being hunted by foxes. The largest pray animal are rock goats who find the mountain a perfect living space. On top of the food chain is the Wyvyern.

Fauna & Flora

Small games, birds and mountain goats are the prominent animals visible.

Natural Resources

There are no known deposits of valuable ore, and the watered down land, makes the pinetrees expensive to cut down and transport away.


People do not traverse to the mountain as there is no reason to do so. Rather it is a place to stay away from, as screams from wyvyerns (drakormar) some times echoes from the mountain.   As the wyvyerns blood and other body parts are used in alchemy it has been known for the local wizards to found adventure parties to slay one. Also for Raxorians having a leather armour made from Wyvyerns are a feat worthy of much pride.
Alternative Name(s)
Wyverns peak.
Mountain / Hill
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization