Barony Greannit

Greannit is the northernmost of the baronies in the county of Fort la nord. Greannit follows the outskirts of the Brynhildur forest and in some places extends into it. The landscape of the barony is hilly with a few peaks standing tall, but the real mountain tops of Aidne are still far away. The most central and highest peak is mount Claireviennevu. Most people avoid it and if they have to pass it, they stick to the road. The peak is well known for being infested with monsters, but also game animals. Some monsters hunt the peasants livestock and if it happens to often, an expedition is mounted to kill the beast.   Logging and woodworking is the most common trade and in each house you will find plenty of axes and people well accustomed in swinging them. The populance have a long tradition of using light hunting crossbows in order to fill the table with meat.   It is quite clear that Greannit is a poor region as the peasants clothing are torn and the villages drab. The peasants generally looks under nourished and their eyes are hollow. Where there in the tradition of Zorakin that usually there are an peasant elder in most villages, this is not the case in Greannit. The baron have placed one of his men in every village in order to make all decisions, and if something happens to this individual the village will be burned to the ground and the people severly punished.   5 major villages


It is a barony and as such ruled by a baron or baronesse.   Captain of arms:  Loremaster: Theodus Amber (From Kardien, no specialisation in magic, weak in all schools he is trained in). Seneschal: Deveroux Filixius Adjutant: Herald: Jester: Bontisal:


Part of the Zorakin culture with strong Raxorian elements



Demography and Population

The ruling class of the barony are Penner, including most of the clergy. The majority of the peasants of the barony are Raxorians with a minority of Legerdians. The Legerdians populance are growing.


Apart from the Baron there are five knights whom swore loyalty to the Baron. In case of war they are to join the Barons force. The baron have 15 soldiers in his retiny. Most of them are stationed in the barons castle, but some of them are constantly out patroling the fief. The Baron can mount five of them with riding horses who are not battle trained. All soldiers are equipped with a crossbow and some kind of handweapon. The most common weapon is some kind of axe. All soldiers are granted a gambesson when they enter the barons forces, but a few of the soldiers have upgraded their armour.   Most peasants and burghers in the barony have at least an axe and crossbow and rudimentary skill in its usage. The goblins constantly raids the barony and most settlement have had to defend their livestocks at least once the last couple of years.   Knights of the realm  
  • Knight Belemorth Vallouxe: A Raxorian knight whose loyalty to the formner baron is questionable. It is well known he loathes Athel Hastchel de Solaris and avoided him as much as possible.
  • Knight Federith DeSolaire: Federith and Denethar are brothers
  • Knight Denethar DeSolaire:
  • Agriculture & Industry

    The economy is based on self sustaining. There are a few farms and they do no yield much which have led to goats being the primary food source produced in the region.   The prime export of the barony are lumber due to the close proximity to Brynhildur forest.

    Trade & Transport

    Minor export of lumber and import of grain. The only set of roads are in proximity of the barons castle. Otherwise the best a traveler can hope for are wagon tracks to follow.


    There are no education for the common classes except for what is learned within the family. The noble class have their own tutors and formal educations. There are no schools or formal places of learning.


    The barons castle.

    Keep your firewood dry.

    Geopolitical, Barony
    Predecessor Organization
    Formation Type
    Leader Title
    Head of State
    Government System
    Monarchy, Absolute
    Power Structure
    Feudal state
    Economic System
    Zorakin currency
    Major Exports
    Major Imports
    Official State Religion
    Parent Organization
    Official Languages
    Controlled Territories
    Neighboring Nations
    Related Species
    Related Ethnicities

    Articles under Barony Greannit