Octagon Pathenon

The Octagon is the name for a pact of demonprinces who are all bound to the moon Raukhra, and the confluxes which are in one way or another influenced by them and they are influences from it. The demonprinces are eight in number and they are all independent from each other, but their servants often collaborate with each other. The demonprinces are not in any way tied to inferno or any other famous dimensions, neither are they tied to Hemaquiel or other evil Gods.   The deities of the Octagon are not really Gods and they do not possess the power to create new life or create new species. But they do have the power to change and improve already existent species or individuals. A common goal for all the princes of the Octagon is to gain real godhood. But all the princes also tries to prevent the other from gaining it.   It is said that long before known history came to Ereb Altor the demon princes made Ereb Altor their home and ruled the realm. Using all living things as their playthings. But then a event called the wrath of Gods happened and they were driven away from the realm by the Gods, who took their place.  
  • Imária: Imaria is the most powerful of the demonprinces of the Octagon and according to forgotten legends she is bound within a mountain somewhere in the Montures. Amongst her followers Imaria is described as the princess of the undead and eternal torment. Her goal is to break free from her prison and to kill all living things and turn them into undead in her service. Her cults are often small but there are many of them spread all over Ereb Altor. Many of Imarias followers are undead, mostly wights but also some vampires are found among them. But the most numerous are people who yearns for power and becoming a undead. Yflasefugh: Yflasefugh is described as a plane of fire and eternal torment for those whom enter or are banished to it. The most common descriptions are to be found within The Shining Path, as it is described as a part of Hemaniquels realms but in some of the older dustfilled scrolls the act that the head demon preciding over it is named Imaria.
  • Onaabys: Onaabys is considered to be the prince of diseases and eater of souls. His cult consists of Hynsolgian nobles (it is called Stjärnläran) and a tribe of cannibals in the jungles of Soluna, where his son Omurtaag and his grandson is said to rule.
  • Khergoll: the cult of the chaotic demonprince Khergoll have their main seat in the city named O. The cult mostly consists of anarchists, bandits, outlaws and maniacs. Its main goal is to spread anarchy and chaos across Ereb Altor. The cults have a tendency to reform often and decisions have a tendency evolve, and not being followed by all members. As such most cults are not very dangerous to society, but when they act much destruction and death happens.
  • Maal: Maal is often called the prince of pain and suffering. Despite his domain, Maal and his followers are not as violent as the other princes of Octagon usually are. Maals disciples believes that the only path to enlightment is through pain, and they often inflict pain on themselves which sometimes have led to their death. There are a few of the more deranged disciples which have tried to bring salvation to heretics by inflicting pain upon them, but they are few. Maals realm is a labyrinth with several rooms where followers are strung up in chains and tortured by demons. The chains are living and often ends in hooks with edges sharp enough to breach through muscle and bone. Maals main servants are a set of demons called "bringer of pain". Their job is to locate the worthy and bring them the enlightment of pain. A servant of Maal who in life have reached enlightment is almost immune to pain and also have a very high discipline and focus (high PSY). There have been a few who also have shown spell like abilities such as invoking pain in other individuals from afar.
  • Zinn: The prince of desert, sand and drought, he is often depicted as a very large snake. Zinn have some cults following him amongst tribes living in deserts. The cultist are suffering from everlasting thirst but can survive without drinking as a gift from their master. Some of them go crazy from the torment and are sacrifisied to Zinn by the other cult members.
  • Tupagon: The princess of flies and insects. She have a strong following base in Samkarna who breed the insect called flesheaters, which are said to have tormented the world during the third conflux. In the city of Krilloan there is a small cult who breeds them. According to some scholars Tupagons influence were strong during the third conflux. It is said that he is the prime rival to Imária, and her being imprisoned on Ereb Altor is a great pleasure to him.
  • Hasitaal: The princess of lust. Her goal is to lure pure and innocent individuals into carnal pleasure and to be driven by their lust. Her followers are many and her cults are spread over all of Ereb Altor.
  • Gendilj: Gendilj is called the fallen amongst the followers of the Octagon. The reason is that he has sworn revenge on his brothers and sisters for some long forgotten reason. Before he was the prince of murder and cruelty and as such his followers is often very dangerous individuals. On the other hand there are not many of them, seldom more than fifty at any time.

Articles under Octagon Pathenon