Parbagian family of Gods

The Parbagian pantheon is a very old religion, and according to some theologist (mainly from Orkovia) it can be traced to somewhere around 900 B. O. Today the Parbagian religion has it centre in the country Hynsolge from where it is said to originate. There are followers of the pantheon in other countries though, some pure in belief but some which have adapted the religion. The most well known version is the Cult of Angusia who are dominant in the free city of Krilloan. The Parbagian family is a polyenisthic religion, and contains several deities all part of the same family. The Parbagian cult is common in the rural parts of Hynsolge where the populance is more supersticious, while the city folks seems to be more leaning towards the Fingalian cult. The followers of the Parbagian panthenon admits that all of their gods exists and are a part of the world, but they often focus on one God/ Godess. Although they make sure to show respect to the others, perhaps with the exception of Jusuian. Within a family most its members worship and pray to the same God and many wear their God/ Godess symbol upon them, either as a jewellry or embroided upon their clothes.   Anyak: "The lightbearer" Anyak was the first God and he is considered the head of the panthenon. He is a the God of light and have most of his followers in the eastern part of Hynsolge. Anyak is a good friend of the Sun and the Salamanders in the south, and as such he is associated with the element fire and its heat. Anyaks symbol is a sun with four long rays of light. His temples is often built in white marble. All temples have a round room in the centre which is intended for prayers, and in the middle of it there is a eternal flame burning. The priesthood of Anyak dresses in white tunics with the Anyaks symbol on the backs and they never wear a head dress. Anyak is married to the Goddess Angusia.   Angusia: "The gate keeper". Angusia is the Goddess of wisdom and justice. She is also said to guard the gates to the silent halls of Bolgovia. Her symbol is a golden key upon a black hexagon. Angusias largest temple, Pervus-ib-Angusia, is the centre of the feudal friendly Order of Angusia. It is divided into three groups.
  1. Nologoians: They spend their time for studies and administration of the temples.
  2. Scholari: They delve into laws and ethical justice dilemmas. Many tries to study law in Jorpagnia.
  3. Justicie: Around fifty knight whose job it is to track and catch criminals.
  Members of the Cult of Angusia are allowed to use violence, but seldom does without good reasons. They are often fanatical when it comes to justice, but also upholding the feudal system. According to their dogma the noble where granted their titles from Angusia herself and therefore it is considered holy. Angusia and Anyak had two sons (Ulvar and Reogil) and two daughters ( Grilovana and Samyyd).   Ulvar: "The bringer of the dark". The God of darkness is in no way in competition with his father Anyak, but rather they complement each other and share the day. Ulvar is also considered the God of the moon and the cold of the night. Is cult is small but many peasants prefer to grant him a thought as they want him to spare their crop by not sending frost during the night. Therefore it is common to find his symbol (a fullmoon) above the peasants beds. There are no temples to Ulvar, all ceremonies are held during fullmoon nights. Ulvar is married to Grilovana.   Grilovana: "The guardian of the wells". Grilovana is the mistress of the weather and the guardian of running water, the heaven and its inhabitants. According to the old stories she is surrounded by birds. Grilovanas symbol is a white pigeon on a clear and pale blue background. Grilovana is popular amongst animists, farmers and fishermen (?). She has no temples or any kind of priesthood. She is satisified if her followers grant her a thought and a prayer each day. Grilovana and Ulvar are married and have one daughter - Bolgove   Bolgove: "Mistress of silence". Bolgove is not a popular deity, but she is in no way an evil Godess. She is the Godess of sleep, dreams, silence, mysticism and death. She has no symbol but her clergy always wear black. Many of her, mostly priestesess, are competent in Spritism and Illusionism. She is married to Bolthar   Samyyd: "The Godess of meadows". Samyyd is a Godess of fertility and as such is very popular in Hynsolge. In every village there is a small temple where people leave a small offering (often crop) to gain her blessing and recieve a larger yield. Her symbol is the everlasting circle, which represents rebirth. Her priestess spend their time with charity and taking care of the infirm. Samyyd is married to Reogil.   Reogil: "Lord of the beasts". According to the old stories, Reogil is the God of the forests and the wild animals. He protects the forest and its inhabitant, which includes those who makes their living within it. No servant of Reogil kills a animal for fun, only of necessity. All parts of a killed animal are used and nothing goes to waste, the heart is sacrified to Reogil. Reogils symbol is a stags head with a big crown, and his priest hood often horn their helmets in their official role. A follower of Reogil never wears metal armour. Reogil and Samyyd have a son - Bolthar.   Bolthar: "The Ax wielder". Bolthar is a God of combat. He abhorrs ambushes and stabs in the back, a fight must be fair. His disciples, whom often are strong men, considers strength, disciplin and skill with weapons as the most important aspect of any individual. They honor their God by obtaining reputations as fierce warriors. Bolthar favourite weapon is the two handed axe, and neither him or his followers ever wear armour made of metal. Bolthars symbol is a oversized double bladed axe. His priesthood often wear them as symbols, but they are never combat worthy as they are ceremonial. He is married to Bolgove and they have a son - Julsian.   Julsuian: "The slave to pleasure". Julsuian is the black sheep of the Parbagian family. He represents the chaotic mindset where drugs, alcohol, lesiure and sexual pleasure (especially the deviant kind) are indulged. His followers are seldom accepted in society and as such he is worshipped in secret. Within the seedier parts of society his followers are more common and many prostitutes, smugglers, drugdealers and addicts wears his symbol, two connected rings with a arrow through them, tatooed on their bodies.   The Parbagian creation myth. According to the Parbagian religion the following myth tells the correct tale of how the world was created. Most accept that other religions have other myths, but they just find their beliefs amusing and shake their heads at their fairytales.   Once upon a time Altor was encased in ice and snow as the sun where imprisoned by he powers of darkness. Then one day the Sun broke free from its prison and begun to travers Altor in its orbit. The first rays of light from the sun awoke a creature, which had been formed within the ice which promptly began to move. This was Anyak, the lightbearer. Since this day Anyak always have his gaze aimed toward the rays of light from the Sun. Together the Sun and Anyak smelted the ice which covered Altor. The continent Ereb were created and from the melted ice the oceans and lakes where formed. Upon Ereb many primitive creatures roamed, and Anyak saw the need of order. Within Anyaks body a question where formed toward the Sun, whose answer where the creation of a women. Half of her were the sun and its light and the other part were the erth and its solidity. She became the wife of Anyaks were given the name Angusia. The God and Godess had four children, all born at the same time. Two daughters and two sons did Angusia give birth too. Together they all fulfilled Anyaks quest of bringing order to the world. The son Ulvar together with his father worked create a system of dark and light, cold and warmth. Grilovana created the the weather and lets it rain to keep Ereb moist and fertile, while her sister Samyyd allows the crop to grow and the trees bear fruit. Reogils shapes the forests and fills it with animals. The Gods realised that there where too many people living in Ereb and that a God of death where needed. Ulvar and Grilova had a daughter, Bolgove, who became ruler of the dead. When a soul leaves the body it first arrives in the halls of Bolgove. At the gate Angusia watches and if the soul have behaved uncivilized in life they return as a uncivilized creature, such as a wolf. if the soul have behaved during its life it is allowed inside and evalute its life and penitent for any misbehaving. After seven days and seven nights the soul is allowed to return to its dead body to spend an eternity dreaming pleasant dreams. If the body isnĀ“t buried there is a significant risk for it to become undead. As such the belivers take care to make sure the body is properly buried. Samyyd and Reogil also had a child, the son Bolthar. He became the God of combat, and all warriors are his children. Combat is not good, neither is it evil but it is important to fight fair. Ambushes or stabs in the back is strictly forbidden. When Julusian where born he became the black sheep of the family, to Anyaks sadness. Even within the most disciplined family there is a streak of chaos. If given a choice Anyak would cast Julsuian from the family, but just as Anyak even Julsuian count his heritage from the Sun. Even Anyak could not banish him but had to accept it. It is told than Anyak cried for several days. So Julsuain stayed in the family although most tried to forget him. But he have the ability to pop up in the most unexpected of situations., and most orderful of societies. The Parbagian Gods move in the world and amongst its creatures, but on another plane. With a deep calm they bask in their followers worship and oversee it, but seldom interfer. But if they are gravely insulted they will react and hit their creation with the power of a God.

Articles under Parbagian family of Gods