The cult of Angusia

Angusia or "The guardian of the gate" as she is sometimes called are said to have her origin on the Nivralian islands. But her lectures have spread all over Ereb Altor and taken different forms. On the Nivrelian island and in the city of Krilloan only Angusia is worshipped, while in Hynsolge the whole panthenon (Parbagian) is worshipped. According to Nivrelians this is a misunderstanding by the Hynsolgian version, as they mixed their old beliefs into the true Angusian teachings. There are also differences in how Angusia is interpreted between the Hynsolgian and the Nivrelian religions.   According to the Nivrelian followers Altor where once covered in ice and darkness and the sun where imprisoned. Within the prison made up of darkness it was shackled by chains of ice and subjected to torture and unimaginable suffering. Eventually the sun managed to escape its prison and began travelling Altor in its stellar orbit. The ice which covered the planet began to melt and formed lakes and oceans. The sun seeing life sprawling and growing in a very chaotic form upon Altorian soil decided to bring order to Altor. The sun created a woman who are half sun and half earth. Apart from bringing order to Altor she was also called to guard the gates which led to the suns prison - the realm of darkness, schackles, death, weakness and dreams. Angusia created four strong angelic beings from the warmth of the sun and the materials within earth. She called these beings her sons and daughters as they were created from both the sun and her. These angelic beings helped her in her duties and together they battled against the inhabitants who dwell in the prison realm - Cold, Void, Darkness and Suffering. Angusia stands for Light, Freedom, Strength and Clearsight.   Angusian cults are divided into three different sections, sometimes a mix of all and sometimes only of one of the following..
  1. Nologs: Nologs are the scholars of the followers of Angusia and they spend their time to studying and administrating the temples. They spend much time debating and taking on the percpective off their opponent to truly get a grip on the subject.
  2. Scholari : They devote their time to justice and laws trying to find the truth through different justice system. How do Angusia meant for the thinking species to interpret the laws. Is there a real right or wrong? Why is it right to kill in defense and not in murder? They are often found within the judicial system if there is any, or in the universities or lyceeums.
  3. Justicie: They are devoted to tracking down and capture criminals, or mete out justice if necessary. Often a justicies reach out to them and telling them which criminals have gotten away with a crime. Either from escaping or using the laws to their advantage. But they also track down and deliver justice to evil beings who are outside of the civilized society.
  The active worship of Angusia are mostly done through holy days throughout the year, but there are no special acts of worship.

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