Patroling 01

The Count summons Mauds character to a meeting and asks her to patrol the road to Barrowgale and back again. A traveler mentioned that he was robbed by three men. The count also wants the PC to deliver a letter to his relative Catharina Baugge who is captain of arms to the Baron of Lomellie.   The attack happened around Clorches farm, perhaps they will know anything. The Clorches is a family of five, with three children.
  • Menhard Clorche (32) M
  • Abegail (30) F
  • Derwan (14) M
  • Christina (12) F
  • Bonifide (11) M
  The travel will only take a day in ordinary weather, but be prepared to either spend a night in Barrowgale or on the road if unlucky.   THINGS THAT HAPPENS



Catherine Baugge: She is in her fourties and it is starting to show. She owns a small piece of land with a farm and is planning to retire soon. She was seriously injured when she was young and the old wounds are starting to hurt again, especially in the mornings. She tries to be a good host to the PCs.


The attack happened around Clorches farm, perhaps they will know anything. The Clorches is a family of five, with three children.
  • Menhard Clorche (32) M
  • Abegail (30) F
  • Derwan (14) M
  • Christina (12) F
  • Bonifide (11) M


  1. Robber: Falladin Male 32, armed with a handaxe and large round shield. leather coat
  2. Robber: Esmi Female 31, armed with crossbow and handaxe. leather coat
  3. Robber: Gerald Male 28, armed with crossbow and short spear, leather coat.



  • The road to Barrowgale: The road is just a well traveled path where the wheels of the wagons have created a road. It goes through a beautiful landscape and most of the time Lake Raxor can be seen west of the road, through the trees. As the road have grown up, by the least resistance philosophy, it wringles between the hills rather than up and down. There are small mixed trees forests seen but it is not a consistent forest. Many herd of animals can be seen far away, mostly it is cows, sheeps and goats but also deers.
  • The road is reasonably well traveled especially close to the settlements. But there are sections when you do not see anyone else for almost up to half an hour.
  • Clorches farm is a farm owned by the baron and run by the family Clorche. It is a quite ordinary little farm where they tend their meagre crop, but mostly herd the sheep and feed the chickens.
  • The robber dwellings: In a nearby hill the robbers have made a temporary stay. It is a small camp which is hidden from plain view but still give them a good view of the road. There are only a few ways to get up there, but it is easy enough to keep hidden dure to trees, shrubbery and large rocks. The robbers have set up strings attached to bells which the PCs might set off if they do not see them. If so the robbers set up their ambush. Robber nr 3 goes into hiding to snipe PC with his crossbow. Robber 1 and 2 goes into prepared defense positions, still visible. They are the bait.


  • While the characters pass a herd of sheep a Hippogriff strikes down and grabs a goat. It starts to feed and will protect its prey. It will only fight for two rounds until its take its prey and fly away.
  • Two knights of the Sun have made camp and prays before eating. During praying they will not answer the PCs in anyways but after they invites the PCs to their camp for supper. The knights are on their way to the monastary by the lake Cormacs folly in Barony Garoux.
  • A small flock of Harpies decides to bother the PCS, they will schreech and make fake attacks, and drop some stones and tree branches on them before flying away laughing.

Past Events

The three robbers were once loggers in Barony Graenitte who wants a better life for themselves. They are planning on getting to Pendonne and to do that they need resources. They are actually planning on robbing the Clochard farm and are scouting it out. (A good tracker who are looking for clues around the farm might figure it out).
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