Barony Lomellie

The Barony Lomellie is the most southeastern of the baronies and surrounds the count Fort la Nord castle and the city Boronne. The barony do not have any large forests within it, but rather many smaller forests with open landscape between them. The land is hilly but fertile making it well suited for dairyfarming.   Within the barony there is a large lake, filled with fish. The lakes is called Lake Raxor and scattered around it are ruins from the old Raxorian kingdom. Some of them are said to be haunted and there is a local legend of ghosts on the lake as well. According to the legend boats with fleeing raxorians where sunk by Penner ballistas and the ghost of them haunt the lake.   The baron have granted a large and fertile piece of land to the church, and they are preparing to build a monestary there. There are two churches in the main town of the barony.    In comparisation to its northern neighbours the orc threat is negliable. There might be some small bands roaming through, but they are often hunted down. There are other dangers lurking within the more wild parts of the barony. One monster that the inhabitants often need to consider are Harpies and Hippogriffs. The Hippogriffs makes their nests far to the north but have learned that the cows and goats make easy prey. The small thick forests makes good homes for the Harpies. There are also ordinary dangerous animals such as wolves and bears roaming the barony.   The northeastern part of the barony is uninhabitated. Somewhere in the wilderness there is a large plain where it is said that a large battle between the Raxorians and Lindskiarn where fought. It was bloody and brutal and the ghosts of the dead still haunts the plain. It is also known that a small band of bandits called Colovi-brothers have their base in the wilderness and use it when they aren´t "at work" in the duchy.


  • Captain of Arms: Catharina Baugge - A knight and distant relative to the count.
  • Loremaster: Berren Filoix - not a mage
  • Seneschal: Guille Borix
  • Adjutant: Francis Callamouix
  • Herald:
  • Jester: Volix - a weak minded dwarf whom everyone make fun of.
  • Bontisal: Derrin - A middle aged clerk whom where appointed ad Bontisal very recently. He is still trying to find his place.


The inhabitants of Lomellie are mainly zoraki with much Raxorian culture intertwined.   The raxorian colours and plaids are common in the area as it once was the heartland of the Raxorian kingdom. There are several old settlements where old statues of Raxorian kings and heroes can be found. In almost every home there are axes and crossbows, as they are considered raxorian weapons.


The barony is rich in dairy farming and cheesemaking.


There where a large battle between the Penner and Raxorian kingdom, where many Raxorians met their doom. Today it is called the plain of the dead and it is considered an evil place, where the door to the dead kingdoms can open up. It is considerd haunted and many stories of meetings with the undead are told.

Demography and Population

  • Penner 25%
  • Raxorian 60%
  • Legerdians 10%
  • Other 5%


The barony is what used to be the mainland of the Raxorian kingdom and birthlands of the last royal family of the Raxorians.


The baron have eight knight.   The baron have a standing force of thirty soldiers.


As in all of Zorakin the Shining path is the only official religion. Thirty years ago the baron exterminated a coven of heretics and demon worshipper in a few bloody weeks. There is rumoured that not all of them were found.

Agriculture & Industry

The barony has many farms scattered between the hills and forests. Although  grain farming is the main focus, dairy and cheese making is common as well. Most farms also supplement their main focus with bee keeping.   There is a lot of fishing as well. The stripaz is fished on a larger scale where the abundance is sold, while the lake is fished on a personal level.

Trade & Transport

There is very little external trade as the Barony apart from having a market in Borrowgale, also have access to the markets in Boronne. The road between Borrowgale is reasonably safe and well traveled, and it is patroled by the barons as well as the counts men. Sometimes leading to disputes whose authority is highest.


The only real road is the one between Borrowgale, Villanoth and Boronne. The other roads are more natural occurances, much to the dismay of the populations who are demanding the baron to extend them. A demand the baron have been ignoring so far.

Etin is present even in the smallest things.

Geopolitical, Barony
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mainly the Zorakin copper and silver are used, but of course they accept different gold coins as well. There are still a few old gold coins minted by a earlier Baron in circulation, but there are no plans to mint new gold coins.
Major Exports
The farms produce much honey which is traded away. There are also much cheese being made in the barony which is traded as well.
Major Imports
The nobles of the barony import luxury wares and grain to their peasants.
Executive Body
The Baron have a sheriff who is responsible for the upholding the law in the barony. He also doubles as an executioner.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities
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Articles under Barony Lomellie