
Basic Information


Reptilemen are a humanoid species with a alligator like head and alligator like tail. They also have small but functional claws rather than nails. They have the ability to use their hands, but lack the dexterity which the humans have.

Genetics and Reproduction

They produce eggs.

Ecology and Habitats

The most common habitat for reptilemen are within swamps or large rivers. as far as scholars know they do not survive in saltwater.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are predominantly hunters and meat eaters but can digest plants as well.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Reptilemen live in a tribal structure where most are hunter and gatherer. There are a few tribes which have settled in a place and constructed villages. They also use fish traps and seems to cultivate other sources of nutriment.

Average Intelligence

In general they do not become as intelligent as humans as their brains havenĀ“t evolved to that stage. But they can show great cunning and high skill levels within their realms of knowledge. Most reptilmen would be considered dull, by human standards but a few can reach higher levels.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They do not have as good eyesight above water as humans have, on the other hand they retain their eyesight underwater as a protective lid protects their eyes.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

A large population of reptilemen live in the Grimmani swamps in the Zoraki kingdom. As they have been recorded and studied by the Lyceum of Pendonne they are the staple which all other reptilemen are measured against.

Average Technological Level

Early stone age is the most common technological level which their societies are able to produce.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Each area of populations seems to have their own languages, but they are alike. It is unknown if reptilemen from different populations would understand each other.

Common Dress Code

It seems as all reptilemen cover their genitals. It is unclear why as they spend much time beneath water.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The most reported form of religion which seems to be common in all known populations is schamanism and belief in spirits.
They are old when they reach 40 years, and the brutal places they live in seldom let them become that old.
Average Height
It is most common for reptilemen to be around 170 centimeter, but there are tales of reptilemen who have reached 2 meters.
Average Weight
Around 80 to 90 kg for an average reptile man
Average Physique
They are muscular and well built as their life style as hunterer and gatherers do not make for comfortable lifes.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Light greenish to light brownish with few albinos as well.
Geographic Distribution