Grimmani swamp

The swamp of Grimmani are supplied by several small rivers and ditches. It is an inhospitable area with almost no human population.   The Grimmani swamp are home to several tribes of reptilemen whom rule the swamp. There is no contact between the reptilemen and Zorakin. As a few travelers dissiapere each year while traveling through the swamp, many of them are blamed on the reptilemen whom are known to eat human flesh. But the swamp is home to many kind of predators and monsters.   In general humans avoid the swamp as there is nothing within it worth the problem. And the reptilemen of the swamp do not venture beyond it so there is no need to subjugate them.


The Grimmani swamp are considered the border between the duchy of Pharynx and the duchy of Litherinne. Precisely where the border goes within the Grimmani swamp is unclear as no one ever cared enough to mark it. Neither of the duchies makes any claim of ownership of the swamp.


The Grimmani swamp consist of slowflowing water with patches of dry land. The water is filled with fish, snakes, reptiles and semi aquatic mammals. There are no mammals larger than otters living within the swamp. The most common semiaquatic species are reptiles and they range from the small lizards to the Grimmani crocodile whom can reach three meters in length. Another common species are snakes where the legendary giant snake are known to make their home in the swamp. The swamp is also home to a wide range of insects of all sizes and proportions.   On the top of the food chain are the reptilemen of Grimmani. A sapient humanoid species, who are well adapted to living within the swamp. They do not use steel or iron, as it would rust. But they have been seen with copper tools. There is no interaction between the lizardmen and Zorakin.

Fauna & Flora

  • Grimmani crocodile: 


The kingsroad between Drailange and the city Pharynx pass through the swamp. The road is very old but it is also well built. Mostly the road is elevated and built on stone bridges. According to legend it was built by dwarves. Modern dwarves consider the stoneworks at a level only their ancestors could acclompish, but they do not recognise the aestethics.   Along the road there are elevated restings places which are walled and gated. Each resting place have a small garrison whom keep it safe and protects the travelers. They do not provide firewood or food to the travelers, but usually there is some kind of freshwater which all travelers are welcome to use.   Approximatly halfway through the swamp there is a castle (Grimmani castle) owned by the king. It functions as garrisson and head quarter for the forces keeping the kings road safe throughout the Grimmani swamp. It is also the place where toll is payed for using the road. Within the castle there is a tavern and shop to resupply. There is a few local fishermen/farmer families whom help sustaining the castle with fresh provisions.   As several of species provide things which are usuable in alchemy, and the swamp have herbs for potions there are alchemists whom creates expiditions inside the swamp to collect them. They are usually large and well protected.
Wetland / Swamp
Location under
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species