
Each Bontisat is divided into several smaller areas named Riaktat, or congregation. The number of Riaktats within a Bontisat varies, and there are some which have up to hundreds. Each Riaktat have their heart in a suntemple, often located in the most significant settlement in the Riaktat. From this settlemet the Riaktat extends up to a days walk from the Suntemple. The Riaktat includes all living indviduals which are part of the faith within the Riaktat.   The priests whom sheperd their flock within the Riaktats are called Riarks and they have several duties within the church. One of the most well known is to lead the mass on several different occasions. Such as the mass held each Odos day (once a month) when the whole congregration are gathered to hold a extra large and extensive mass, honouring Etin. Riakrs also leads smaller masses such as prayers for saints and holy days or weddings to name a few.    Within the mainland culture only men are allowed to become Riarks while in the Caddoism women are allowed. To become a Riark faith is paramount of course. Many come from the monastaries or lower class families who have amassed money enough to send their sons to schools, such as the Lyceum of Pendonne. Before being granted the rank of Riark they must pass tests, where their faith and knowledge of theology are tested. There are often written texts where they are to deliver the answer in written form, this to make sure the Riark is able to read and write. They are also tested in their ability to read and write Dalcoi, as many old scriptures are written in Dalcoi.   With each suntemple there is a small house for the Riark, and the congregration are supposed to make sure the Riark have food and clothes as part of their tithes. If a Riark wants to earn money to have more than food and clothes he must earn it by himself. The most common way is to work as a scribe for the local lord.   Some Riarks do not have their own Riarkat and function instead as a teacher in a theology school, or as a mentor to a lords children or even as a courtmember and advisor to a lord.


  • Faith in Etin.
  • Read/ write Jori
  • Read/ write Dalcoi
  • Theology


Only adults can become riarks and they must be anoited by the church. As such faith in Etin is necessary. Most riarks are male but females are allowed.


  • All riarks are relieved of mundane tax.

Cultural Significance

In areas where the shining path is the dominant religion a Riark is the part of the church which the common folk will meet. The riark will be a heavy influental voice within the congregration and there are cases known where Riarks have abused it.
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