Silver linden

Silver linden is a sub species of the Little leaves linden tree common in most of Ereb Altor. The Silver linden mostly growns in conjunction with wood elf settlements and they consider them holy. It is unclear if the settlement or the Silver lindens came first.   Silver linden bark is more silvergrey rather than brown.     Rules (Dod -92)
  • If an elf meditates in a gathering of Silver linden her or his injuries heals at a rate of 1KP per hour och she/ he regains PSY points four times faster than ordinary.
  • From the leaves the elves makes a healing paste which enhances a bodies natural healing. If the paste is used a wound heals at twice the natural rate.
  • The wood of the tree is imbuded with magical power which makes it easier to enhance. The magician is granted +2CL on spells cast on the wood.
  • From the wood it is possible to make very light but still strong bows. A bow made from wood of Silver linden are one STY-group lower.
  • Arrows made from the wood of silver linden can be sharpened to the point where they make as much damage as arrowheads of steel or iron.


Material Characteristics

The bark of the Silver linden is silvery grey in its hue and on moonfilled night it clearly sparkles a bit. The leaves are alway glittering green. when you see them from afar is sunlight it lookls like there are small emaralds within the leaves. The wood from the tree is very clearly wood but it is very light in colour and if it is dried it turns more to silver grey than brown grey.

Geology & Geography

The Silver lindens are very rare and found deep inside forests which are home to large populances of Fey people. Most gatherings of Silver linden are in proximity to elven settlements.

History & Usage

Everyday use

It is very unlikely for other races than Fey people to use Silver linden, and if they do it is because they have been granted items from elves. The leaves of the Silver linden are used in a pasta which if it is applied to the wound, mends it faster than what is natural for the injured. The wood of the Silver linden are used in arrows, bows and wizard staffs amongst other things. But they are very rare and it is considered a great honour to have items made of Silver linden.

Cultural Significance and Usage

The Silver linden is very important for the wood elves and is part of many of their stories and sagas. The Silver linden is connected to strong spirits and according to some even to Tevatenu.


Trade & Market

If it is found in a market it is always second hand, as elves grant items of the Silver linden to other as a show of respect.
Very uncommon to be found
Related Species