Wood elf

  Wood elves is a species of the elven whom are famous for making their homes in forests through out Ereb. Generally they live in small communities where there are a few other fey creatures present. It is not unknown for a community to grow up around a dryads tree or close to a najads lake.   In their community the elves live in small houses either by themselves or in small families. Each house is built upon and into a tree, and between the trees there is small rope bridges to make it easier to travel between them.   Almost all woodelves are trained in the use of bow and spear and some other handweapons. When they use armour it usually is a leather armour as it is easy to get access to and is easy to move silently in. The bows and arrows they carry are usually masterpieces and rightly feared by their enemies. Woodelves dress in the colour of the forest and are well versed in camouflage. They have usually spent a few decades honing their hunting skills and if they go to war they prefer to use ambushes and a very mobile fighting style.   In all communities there are a few inhabitants whom are magicians. The most common is animism, but harmonism and elementalist are common as well. And it is not unknown for magicians to know several different magic schools. But as woodelves live in such close relationship with nature the most powerful animists known have been or are often woodelves.   As wood elves live long lives most of them usually learns a little magic on the side to complement their other crafts.   Almost every woodelf known are a hunter and gatherer. They learn to hunt and collect from the forests bounty as soon as they know how to walk. This is done for several reasons, first a forest is a dangerous place and woodelf communities does not hunt predators just because they come close to their communities. Second, every child needs to know what is poisonous so they do not eat it by mistake. Woodelves living in their communities do not farm and plow the land. but rather they cultivate fruit trees and berries to yield more than usual and to grow closer together than they usually would.   When the children grow a little older they are usually thaught how to heal and mend broken bones. This knowledge is very practical as most elven children, just as human children, have a tendency to make stupid decisions.

Basic Information


Although many woodelves would pass for humans there are a few things which is different. Woodelves are generally built with a thinner frame than an ordinary human. They are also generally shorter than humans and as such weight less. In general though most woodelves lives active lives and as such are well built and have clearly defined muscles and are stronger than they look.

Genetics and Reproduction

Woodelves reproduce in the same way as humans and often have one child at a time, but it is not unknown for them to have twins. Elves can reproduce with humans and the child will become a half elf having traits from both the mother and the father.

Ecology and Habitats

Wood elves makes their homes within forests, where they create their cities amongst the tree crowns.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wood elves live of the land as hunterers and gatherers, supplied with their magic. They do not plow fields but enchant trees and bushes to deliver more than usual making it possible to live in one place rather than following the herds.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Wood elves are actually very solitary people, whom live in close knit tribes. Sometimes two elves move in together as they fall in love, and it happens that they get a child together. But sooner or later one of them move out, but it seldom leads to conflict between the elves.   It is very uncommon for wood elves to gather together into larger realms but when they do, they seem to naturally form into a feudal structure, with a King or Queen to rule them. The structure is very lax and the laws are never written, but every one seem to know them anyways. There are no other penalties than social shame or exile in very serious crime for crimes commited.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The blood of wood elves are known to be a very strong reagant for alchemical potions. Some evil magicians claims that their bones are easy to enchant.

Facial characteristics

The faces are generally fair with the eyes pointing upwards. The ears are pointy and a bit larger than humans. The hair is usually blond with a slightly green tint and worn long.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Wood elves are found on all of Ereb Altor, but there is no legends which answers why they are found everywhere.

Average Intelligence

Wood elves usually have a higher intelligence than most humans, and it is very unsual for an elf to be dumb.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wood elves can see further than humans and have much better hearing as well. They can also see in the dark, and on a starfileld night they see as it was sunlight.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Goiana is the only large area of land that are recognised as country ruled by wood elves. It is ruled by a queen and the tribes whom live within it all recognise her right to rule as long as she is fair.   Lindorn is also a large forest realms closely associated with wood elves.

Relationship Ideals

The only time more than two elves share the same house is when they are raising kids, otherwise woodelves prefer to have their own houses. Woodelves live a long time and usually have a few relationships in their lifetime. When two wood elves love each other they court each other for a while to find out if it is a deeper feeling. If it is, they stage a large wedding feast and move in together. After a few decades or a century they usually are done with each other and call for a large separation feast, where they end their relationsship. most of them stay friends afterwards, and often find a new short term partner to have fun with.

Average Technological Level

Wood elves are considered as the best bow and arrowmakers in Ereb Altor. They excel in all kinds of woodcrafting. It is not uncommon for older elves to have learned a little magic which they use either in growing the right tree or while crafting. Wood elves are able smith and considered to be on the same level as humans, although their smithing have a tendency to become more delicate and aestethic than humans usually do. Of course on an individual level a elven smith who have over 500 years of experience are on a level few other sentients can be.

Common Dress Code

Wood elves have very well made and practical clothes. They are almost always made in green and brown to blend into the forest they live in. When dressing up, they prefer the colours of autumn instead and loose fit clothes. The most common form of armour is leather which they are very good at producing.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Beauty and grace are common traits in the Elven culture. Wood elves just as all other elves does everything with grace, and an elf would never try to blunt someone to death with a mace. Their combat style more often than not looks like dancing.

Common Taboos

Killing another elf, even in self defense. Putting the group in danger in order to attain a personal goal. Being selfish if it puts the group in danger.   Letting a blackblood defile a forest.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Over a 1000 years
Average Height
165 to 170 centimeters
Average Physique
Wood elves have a lithe build.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The skin is pale and for some reason does not seem to be burnt by the sun.
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