The New Gods

A religion in which the New Gods overthrew the evil Old Gods. The Old Gods kept the "humans" in slavery.   Sholak: Sholak is the God of Sun, wisdom and magic. Often he is refered to as the all father. It is Sholak who gave the sentinent beings (read humans) the ability to cast magic. Magic is percieved as the ability to use the power of the Gods and Sholak watches over the magic wielders to make sure they use their powers to do the right thing.   Sholak is not venerated by festivities, but rather by a short prayer which is spoken at the end of other prayers, rituals and ceremonies for one of the other Young Gods. A wizard who is a faithful believer in the Young Gods ends all spell casting with a short prayer to Sholak. In all centres of knowledge and/ or magic, within the Young Gods sphere of influence, there is a statue of Sholak in his role as the God of wisdom, and all who passes it turn their eyes toward the ground when they pass in reverence.   Sankma: The God of the sky, wind and air. He is wild, playful and you never know where he is and changes direction all the time.   Visha: The God of agriculture.   Ninnave: The Goddess of fertility, married to Visha.   Kushta: The God of death and guardian of the realm of the dead.   Kartov: The God of destiny. Guardian of the order and balance in the realms of reality.   Eilana: Godess of the moon and the realm of the night.

Mythology & Lore

In the beginning the sentinet races of the material realms were ruled by the Old Gods. Gods of evil, suffering, torment and cold. The sentinent beings were suffering on a scale that touched other powers within the universe. They gathered to a summit and agreed that this needed to stop. The group of powers waged war against the Old Gods and defeated them, sending them into the void from which they still try to enter.   The powers realised that they couldnĀ“t leave because if they did, the Old Gods would return and their battles and losses would be for naught. So they stayed and the sentinent beings refered to them as the New Gods.
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