History of Imperium Jorpagnum

Imperium Jorpagnum was the largest realm in Ereb Altor and its legacy still lives on.

The large expansion

1025 B.O. 710 B.O.

The Empire of Jorpagna where stable and powerful enough to expand their borders. During the period it incorporated the lands now called Zorakin, Berendien and Felicien. It also established colonies in Kardien and Magilre.

  • 1025 B.O.

    1023 B.O.

    Occupation of Tolan
    Military: War

    Emperor Tiberions empire were divided in two. The provinces Krun and Hynsolge in the east, and Jorpagna in the west. Between them were the large Tolan peninsula, inhabited by warlike tribes who staged raids against border villages. With the intention to subjugate the tribes by force and tie his lands together by land Tiberions led a military force into Tolan. To his surprise there weren´t much resistance and many tribes lay down their arms and offered to join the empire. He annexed the region and doing so tied the empires eastern and western parts together by land. All military actions were done within the years, but diplomacy kept on for a few years.   The elven nation in Landori were worried by this aggressive move, but after negotiations a deal was reached. The elven realm were to be considered a part of the empire but have total independence as long as they did not cooperate with any external force against the empire.

  • 1025 B.O.

    710 B.O.

    The large expansion
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Empire of Jorpagna where stable and powerful enough to expand their borders. During the period it incorporated the lands now called Zorakin, Berendien and Felicien. It also established colonies in Kardien and Magilre.

    Additional timelines
  • 1020 B.O.

    Efaro wars
    Military: War

    The fledgling empire were attacked by a alliance of Efarian tribes. After many hard fought battles the empire emerges victorious.

  • 998 B.O.

    995 B.O.

    The Aidne expedition
    Military action

    Vesarion led a large military force to the Aidne Peninsula were he defeated and subjugated the local tribes. Through this the Empire now controlled the northern shores of the Copper sea.

    Additional timelines
  • 944 B.O.

    935 B.O.

    Military action in the north west
    Military: War

    Barbarians from Mirel entered Jorpagna from west of the Nida mountains. The invasion came as a surprise for the empire and the border defences were easily crushed. The target of the invasion were clearly the capital Grivela. Emperor Caion managed to quickly amass legions from Aidne and faced the barbarian hordes by the shores of the Trasimo lake. After two days of hard fought battles the Empire won and the barbarians were routed.    Emperor Caion decided that this were never allowed to happen again and the year 942 B.O. he sent a army consisting of 10 legions and almost as many auxiliaries for support towards Mirel. During the following 7 years all land between Mirel and Magilre were annexed.   The empire had now reached its most northeren border it ever had and it remaind unchanged until the empire fell.

  • 912 B.O.

    912 B.O.

    The beheading of the barbarians
    Political event

    At the councilmeeting of Grafferburg the Emperor Thamsul the first had the attending tribal chiefs beheaded as their spokesmen had insulted him. This launched a war between the barbaric tribes and the Empire, which lasted on and off for a couple of hundred years. The only achievment was that the barbarians hate towards the Empire grew.

    Additional timelines
  • 885 B.O.

    863 B.O.

    Aurelion II
    Life, Career

    Aurelion II became emperor and he was to be the last true descendant of Aurelion to sit on the throne. His time on the throne is considered the end of the golden era of the empire. Aurelion II were a competent ruler and a philosopher as well. He studied the teachings of Zenos and wrote the book Via Vitae, a guide for how to live. Aurelion II were famous fore his kindness and wrote many laws which eased the everyday for the plebejs and humiliatores. He also banned necromancy from the empire.   But he didn´t sire any children and when he died there were no clear emperor, and the empires first civil war was a fact.

  • 863 B.O.

    828 B.O.

    The time of the warlords
    Military: War

    As it was the first time there were no clear heir to the empire no laws had ever been created on how a emperor should be chosen. Many powerful patricians who had at least a minor claim to the throne demanded it. When it became clear this could not be decided through diplomacy, they began amassing armed forces. Although they still claimed to be part of the empire, the different provinces became independent realms ruled by their Prokulators. War raged between the former provinces and the empire were almost torn asunder. As the forces marched against each other the borders were kept unguarded. The surrounding tribes saw the empire was weak and intensed their raiding and pillaging. As barbarian tribes crossed the borders of the empire to plunder and gather slaves many of the Jorpagnian people thought the world were coming to an end and that this was the end of days.

  • 828 B.O.

    Zenobia takes the throne
    Political event

    Although Imperium Jorpagnium were large and rich it still did not have the resources to wage civil war at a high intensity for decades. As resources were consumed the war gradually diminished and borders between former provinces consolidated. The people suffered greatly as barbarians and former friends waged battles, burned and razed farms. Although the winters this far south was mild famines became more prominent as fewer people toiled on the fields. As legionaries were away fighting battles slave rebellions became more regular, and bands af bandits made up of former slaves tormented the traderoutes.  Pirate from the Efaro island saw that the ships and shore villages were undefended and as such intensified their raiding.   But from the chaos of war a unifiyng character rose, her name was Zenobia the Archmage. Although she was old she still was youthful, and her magic was helpful in battle. Zenobia was very wise and a skillful politician who knew with whome she could create alliances. She had attached herself to a young, beautiful and honourful warlord named Markion and aided him to unify the land through war and diplomacy. Unfortunatly as Markion made way to take the throne he became sick and died just outside Grivela, before he could march in as a victorious warlord. That honour instead fell upon Zenobia. By the power of the soldiers of the legions Zenobia were chosen Empress of Imperium Jorpagnium. Her ascendans to the throne were considered the start of a new era and in her reign many new laws were formulated. Her reign was called the age of silver.

  • 825 B.O.

    The Imperium Jorpagniums Regalias
    Cultural event

    Empress Zenobia displays Imperium Jorpagniums new Emperial Regalias. The crown, the apple, the mantle and the sceptre. They arrive with a delegation of dwarves from the Grynner mountain and elves from the Landori forest. It is clear that they are highly magical and each of them an artistic masterpiece.   The celebrations last several days and afterwards the Empress travel through all provinces to display herself in full imperial regalia to the citizen of the Empire. During the travel she shows mercy and free barbarian slaves and order them to return to their people and tell them of the vengenace the empire will release if they attack the empire.

  • 736 B.O.

    734 B.O.

    The second Erfarian wars
    Military: War

    The friction between Erfaro and the empire had been growing for a long time, mostly due to Erfarian pirates pillaging and raiding across the Copper sea.  Finally the Empire decided to take action. Zenobia gave the honour to general Belasarion to crush the Erfarian tribes. A mighty fleet were amassed in Tolan. Belasarion were victorious and Erfaro and some lands in northern Soluna were occupied. Many pirate castles and villages were razed to the ground and the land salted to make sure they were never revived.

  • 728 B.O.

    Death of Zenobia
    Life, Death

    After ruling the Empire for exactly a century Zenobia died. Some say she choose to die by her own will as she was content with what she had accomplished. What is true is that she left a very well managed empire behind for the next emperor to rule. Unfortunatly she was succeeded by Eigablon, who never managed to win the trust of the army and were murdered by his own bodyguard after six month on the throne.

  • 726 B.O.

    The ascendans of Emperor Domion
    Political event

    After a short succession war Domion was the victor and accepted the title Emperor of the Imperium Jorpagnium.   Domion is trying to reshape the empire into a true dictatorship. The senators work against him trying to preserve their power.

The age of Silver

828 B.O. 728 B.O.

The rule of Empress Zenobia

  • 828 B.O.

    Zenobia takes the throne
    Political event

    Although Imperium Jorpagnium were large and rich it still did not have the resources to wage civil war at a high intensity for decades. As resources were consumed the war gradually diminished and borders between former provinces consolidated. The people suffered greatly as barbarians and former friends waged battles, burned and razed farms. Although the winters this far south was mild famines became more prominent as fewer people toiled on the fields. As legionaries were away fighting battles slave rebellions became more regular, and bands af bandits made up of former slaves tormented the traderoutes.  Pirate from the Efaro island saw that the ships and shore villages were undefended and as such intensified their raiding.   But from the chaos of war a unifiyng character rose, her name was Zenobia the Archmage. Although she was old she still was youthful, and her magic was helpful in battle. Zenobia was very wise and a skillful politician who knew with whome she could create alliances. She had attached herself to a young, beautiful and honourful warlord named Markion and aided him to unify the land through war and diplomacy. Unfortunatly as Markion made way to take the throne he became sick and died just outside Grivela, before he could march in as a victorious warlord. That honour instead fell upon Zenobia. By the power of the soldiers of the legions Zenobia were chosen Empress of Imperium Jorpagnium. Her ascendans to the throne were considered the start of a new era and in her reign many new laws were formulated. Her reign was called the age of silver.

  • 825 B.O.

    The Imperium Jorpagniums Regalias
    Cultural event

    Empress Zenobia displays Imperium Jorpagniums new Emperial Regalias. The crown, the apple, the mantle and the sceptre. They arrive with a delegation of dwarves from the Grynner mountain and elves from the Landori forest. It is clear that they are highly magical and each of them an artistic masterpiece.   The celebrations last several days and afterwards the Empress travel through all provinces to display herself in full imperial regalia to the citizen of the Empire. During the travel she shows mercy and free barbarian slaves and order them to return to their people and tell them of the vengenace the empire will release if they attack the empire.

  • 736 B.O.

    734 B.O.

    The second Erfarian wars
    Military: War

    The friction between Erfaro and the empire had been growing for a long time, mostly due to Erfarian pirates pillaging and raiding across the Copper sea.  Finally the Empire decided to take action. Zenobia gave the honour to general Belasarion to crush the Erfarian tribes. A mighty fleet were amassed in Tolan. Belasarion were victorious and Erfaro and some lands in northern Soluna were occupied. Many pirate castles and villages were razed to the ground and the land salted to make sure they were never revived.

  • 728 B.O.

    Death of Zenobia
    Life, Death

    After ruling the Empire for exactly a century Zenobia died. Some say she choose to die by her own will as she was content with what she had accomplished. What is true is that she left a very well managed empire behind for the next emperor to rule. Unfortunatly she was succeeded by Eigablon, who never managed to win the trust of the army and were murdered by his own bodyguard after six month on the throne.