History of Ereb Altor

The main time line for Ereb Altor with a perspective from The Shining Path.

Before Odo

9000 B.O. 1 B.O.

  • -6000 B.O.

    The first known interaction with dwarves in Ereb Altor
    Political event

    Close to the Grynner mountain range a small band of elven scouts encountered a small dwarven scouting party.

  • -1700 B.O.

    -1700 B.O.

    Dwarves in Kard Mountains

    The first mentions of dwarves in the Kard mountains. According to ancient lore they quickly become embroiled in hostilities with the local elves.

  • -1500 B.O.

    -1300 B.O.

    The expansion of Krun
    Population Migration / Travel

    The country called Krun experienced a golden age and established several new colonies along the northern coast of the Coppersea. This is the foundation of countries such as Berendien and Erebos.

  • -1500 B.O.

    -1500 B.O.

    The steel years
    Military action

    The young, rash and proud dwarven king, Targald made the decision to march upon the humans in order to drive them back to the sea and away from the mountains. His army is destroyed and he is captured by the humans. They demand the knowledge of iron and steel from the dwarves in order to release him.

  • -1080 B.O.

    -1065 B.O.

    The great Hynsolgian war
    Military action

    During the war against the dwarves the nation of Krun have made an alliance with the barbaric tribes of Hynsolge and promised them their land. For a few hundred years the two nations lived in peace and prospered, but the Hynsolgians kept their barbaric culture and the resentment grew. Finally a large war between the two nations was declared. Krun being the dominant part didn't really commit to the war at start and expected a easy win. But the Hynsolgians apart from being fierce warriors had allied themselves with many northern tribes, whom attacked the Krun colonies in a joint effort. Krun where ill prepared for a war with many fronts.

  • -1065 B.O.

    -1065 B.O.

    The battle of Grivela
    Military action

    The unified barbarian tribes under the leadership of King Aurelion of Hynsolge defeats the nation of Krun at the battle of Grivela in Jorpagna. Following their traditions and beliefs, the location are considered holy and they decide that their new realms capital should be constricted on the site. This is considered the birth of the Empire of Jorpagna as the former Krun colonies swore alliegance to Jorpagna.

    Additional timelines
  • -1025 B.O.

    -710 B.O.

    The large expansion
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Empire of Jorpagna where stable and powerful enough to expand their borders. During the period it incorporated the lands now called Zorakin, Berendien and Felicien. It also established colonies in Kardien and Magilre.

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  • -998 B.O.

    -995 B.O.

    The Aidne expedition
    Military action

    Vesarion led a large military force to the Aidne Peninsula were he defeated and subjugated the local tribes. Through this the Empire now controlled the northern shores of the Copper sea.

    Additional timelines
  • -912 B.O.

    -912 B.O.

    The beheading of the barbarians
    Political event

    At the councilmeeting of Grafferburg the Emperor Thamsul the first had the attending tribal chiefs beheaded as their spokesmen had insulted him. This launched a war between the barbaric tribes and the Empire, which lasted on and off for a couple of hundred years. The only achievment was that the barbarians hate towards the Empire grew.

    Additional timelines
  • -599 B.O.

    -595 B.O.

    Civil war of the Jorpaga remnants
    Political event

    In the parts of the Jorpagna empire which later would become Kardien a civil war raged. The two faction leaders were the Jorpagnian general Jegher and the lawyer Lady Dirivina. Through a ruse Valentin Echthe managed to put an end to the fighting and remove the two faction leaders.

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  • -599 B.O.

    The third conflux
    Disaster / Destruction

    On a beautiful summer day 599 B.O. a large shadow fell over the Empire of Jorpagna. From the marshes billions and billions of flesh eating flying bugs swarmed the whole of Ereb Altor. The bugs were followed by strange diseases and starvation throughout all of the known world. It is calculated that around half of all living humanoids dies and whole settlements and nations are wiped out. Amongst them the Jorpagna Empire, the mightiest empire of all times.

  • -592 B.O.

    -592 B.O.

    The burning of Noytha
    Disaster / Destruction

    After a period of rumours and tales of devious sexual activities by the villagers the legion surrounded the village and burned it, and everyone within it to the ground. All inhabitants who had not been there were tracked down and killed, and so where some merchant caravans. The Emperor gave no explanation to his decision to destroy a whole village with high strategic value.

    Additional timelines
  • -367 B.O.

    The monastery of Pendonne is founded

    The monastery of Pendonne is founded by Leon Inergryd of the Mandelorder. The monastery will later evolve into the lyceum of Pendonne and the city of Pendonne, capital of Zorakin.

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  • -55 B.O.

    The kingdom of Zorakin are founded in the city of Pendonne

    The kingdom of Zorakin are proclaimed by Valien Valiensson, known as King Valien I. The foundation and coronation takes place at the great summit in the city of Pendonne. At the founding Zorakin are made up by the duchies Amittefeux, Draviouxe, Litherinne, Pharynx, Inbeaux and the western parts of Indarri and Solei-Font.   The Legerdian people whom makes up the populance of the eastern parts the land which is the present Zorakin remained independent. The Raxorian people whom had sworn an oath to become a part of Zorakin never attended the summit, starting a long period of skirimishes between the newly formed Zorakin and The Raxorian Kingdom.

  • -27 B.O.

    The birth of Odo
    Life, Birth

    The prophet Odo was born in teh city of Arno which is located in the country Caddo.

  • -27 B.O.

    -27 B.O.

    Unification of Ransard

    The kingdom of Ransard are unified by Omric the Great.

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After Odo

0 B.O. 650 A.O.

  • 0 A.O.

    Odo start preaching.
    Religious event

  • 212 A.O.

    The introduction of the Arcivilian calender
    Cultural event

    The exark Arcival releases his new calender.

  • 298 A.O.

    The great schism
    Religious event

    The Shining path where divided into two separater chuches whom considered each other heretics. In many countries it led to strife and infighting as noblemen fought each other and the local churchs until only one view where strong enough to considered to be right.

  • 403 A.O.

    The first known mention of the Black tower

    During some time the orch tribes of Aidne bergen have been growing in size and restlessness. The dukes of Salmora and Inmark of Zorakin together with the duke of Inmark in Kardien are forced to defend themselves constantly agains raids. In one raid the orchs wore shield with a black tower painted on them.

  • 546 A.O.

    555 A.O.

    The war agains the Black tower
    Military action

    After enduring several years of common raids and lootings from the orcs of Aidne, Zorakin declares war upon the Black tower. The declaration of war is quickly followed by an invasion of the mountains with the clear goal of tearing down the Black tower and subjugate the orcs. The war is waged within the mountains and Zorakin find it hard to get to any conclusive battles with the forces of the Black tower. A large hoard consisting of members from different orc tribes leaves the mountains to plunder in Zorakin. It is caught up by a force containing mostly knights from Zorakin and Kardien just outside of Toril forest. Some orch tribes from Toril forest prevents the fleeing mountain orchs from finding refuge in the forest, and as far as it is known all members of the invading force is killed.   After a few years the war between Zorakin and the Black tower are ended without any success for either side.

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