SpineBreaker Peaks
The SpineBreaker Peaks are tall, craggy, desolate mountains located in the southern reaches of Erellion in the Realm of Hargu. It is here that the goblins, ogres, giants and the like; poured out from and attacked the Republic of Tirine during the War of the Burning Forests. The mountains besides being tall, are extremely difficult to navigate and the range is full of caves and dens where the evil races reside.
These large mountains are home to all things nasty in Erellion. Hordes of goblin and their larger kin make these peaks their home. The mountains are tall and forboding, rought and inhospitable. Vegetation rarely grows here, there are no passes through. These mountains are filled with caves and caverns where goblins, trolls, ogres, giants, and the like vie for control and survival.
Fauna & Flora
Very little in the way of vegetation but the SpineBreaker Peaks are home to many evil races including but not limited to Kobolds, goblins, orcs, trolls, ogres, hobgoblins and evil giants.
Natural Resources
There is a substantial amount of metal ore in these mountains but no one dare try and harvest it due to the nature of the inhabitants.
Mountain Range
Included Locations
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