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The Lord of Darkness and Chaos

The Creator (a.k.a. Angra Mainyu)

Ahriman, Sometimes referred to as Angra Mainyu, Is the first being ever to exist in the universe, As well as the primordial creator of all that currently exists in Erethes. The Gods, The Regions, The Mortals and Demons, Everything in existence was either directly or indirectly created by Ahriman.   Despite being the creator of all, He has tried and failed multiple times to either destroy the world, or destroy just a region. Case in point, One of the most significant events in all of History was the destruction of Althra, The largest city in Erethes at the time. Ahriman had escaped from the abyss, And had managed to destroy Althra before the combined might of the gods forced him back into the Abyss for the foreseeable future. But what nobody except Ahriman himself knows, Is that he has enough power to destroy the world with a thought and remake it just as quickly, But he chooses not to.   Ahriman is a being of Chaos, Someone that needs to have an order to crush, A good to his evil. This is the true reason Ahriman doesn't destroy Erethes, He can overpower every being in existence by himself, But he needs the company. Such as the famed Destruction of Althra, Ahriman allowed himself to be "Banished" to the Abyss, As to keep the world going longer. He doesn't want to destroy the world, In fact, He cherishes it, Believing humanoids and the world itself as "The perfect symphony of chaos". He even holds a kind of love for his "Children", The various gods and higher beings that he created directly, But he would never show this love to anyone.   Ahriman currently resides in The Abyss, The first realm and his domain. Of course, He can leave any time he wants, But he's having enough fun with Althra right now to stay put for the time being.

Divine Domains

Dark, Gravity, Death and Apocalypse. Can also be used as a Warlock Patron, Particularly Abyss lord, Hexblade and Void.


Ahriman does not have any specific artifacts related to him. He simply didn't care enough to make any for himself.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ahriman is a being completely made out of focused shadow from The Abyss. As such, He doesn't necessarily have a physical form, Making it difficult to mention anything specific about his body.

Identifying Characteristics

His main identifying features would most certainly be his small, glowing silver eyes, His demonic facial features and his large horns, Which have glowing silver symbols that do not exist in recorded history.

Special abilities

Ahriman is the original being and the almighty creator. His abilities can be whatever he wishes them to be.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Ahriman has existed since the beginning of time. As a result, His perception of his own gender is fairly different than most mortals. He both doesn't have a gender and has every gender at the same time. Even though he uses all pronouns, They will be referred to as "He" throughout this article, Since that is the one he likes the most.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ahriman really prides himself on creating Erethes and everything in it, It is one of the only things that he was and still is extremely happy about doing.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ahriman is Arrogant, Cruel, Selfish, Aggressive and quite possibly insane, Among other things. But he is also intelligent, Well-spoken, Always calm and very thoughtful.

Morality & Philosophy

Ahriman believes that the entireity of Erethes exists to entertain him, Existing only for him to have an opposing force to "stop" him from his evil antics. And while he would try his hardest to not kill any of the gods while still making it look believable, He does think that mortals are replaceable, Since "they're all the same anyway".

Personality Characteristics


Ahriman thrives in chaos, Constantly seeking ways to incite it. He needs the side of good to bounce off of. Whenever they build back up, He is there to knock them back down. This is the dynamic that he loves, Actively choosing to lose almost every "fight", Due to his actual ability to just win every fight if he wanted.


Social Aptitude

While he has a very large ego and loves reminding people about it, He is very well spoken, Not speaking about his immense power in a rude or over-confident way, But speaking of it as if it is a simple and accepted fact.


Ahriman will usually speak with whatever dialect or accent he wants, But he'll usually go with either (For irl examples) Standard American and English accents or dialects. The type of english depends on what he's feeling, But it's usually Queen's English.
Divine Classification
Demonic Primordial
Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Watching over Althra
Date of Birth
The Beginning of Time, 10,000,000,000,000 BR
Year of Birth
10000000000000 BR 10000000000765 Years old
The Abyss
Small, Bright Silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pure Silvery Shadow
Known Languages
Ahriman knows every language in existence.