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Heracles was a famed hero from Olympus that is best known for his twelve labours, A series of quests to do progressively harder ventures. In life, He was a man famous for his friendliness and lust for bloodshed, Often hired in-between his labours to do other quests for people, Which he almost always accepted. While his lust for blood was rivaled by none, He was always willing to help people in need, Even for trivial tasks.   This was considered by many to be his greatest trait, But it also led to his downfall. 4th of Minos, 7364 BR. This is the date in which Heracles was tasked by the citizens of Ash Valley, Onyxstead and Lostspire to slay the great multicolored dragon, Chromia. And while he wounded the beast, He was ultimately eaten alive and killed via digestion.   In death, He can normally be found in Shade City, Sometimes doing other things, But mainly participating in Arena fights. He is currently the reigning champion and nobody has been able to best him as of late. Luckily for him, His 12th and final labour was to defeat Cerberus, A task that would've only been possible while dead, Such a thing is no longer a problem for him. And while Heracles is almost always at the arena, He is still just as kind as ever, Always willing to help out anybody in need, Even taking up quests or tasks given to him. Just like the old days.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Heracles is the definition of the "Greek God" body type, When it comes to muscle mass, He outclasses even the likes of Ares.

Physical quirks

Whenever he's impatient, He'll slam his fist into his palm, Occasionally doing it more than once in a row. Sometimes when he doesn't know what to do with his hands, He'll just fidget with nearby items.

Special abilities

Unlike other demi-gods, Heracles doesn't have any special or unique abilities. However, He does have a supernatural strength and durability.

Apparel & Accessories

In life, Heracles usually only wore a white lions pelt over his head and back, While also wearing a big harness around his torso. He normally had shin guards, sandals and a gladiator's belt/skirt.   Nowadays, He'll usually be wearing full plate, gauntlets and steel boots, Forged for him from materials found within the realm. It has the added benefit of giving everything underneath it a green glow, Similar to the enchantment Ares has on his armor, It not only makes the wearer much cooler but it also hides their identity.

Specialized Equipment

A large, over-sized wooden club that acted as his main weapon when he was alive. Due to his exalted status, He somehow managed to convice Hades to send someone to retrieve it for him. As such, This club is his main weapon in death as well, It has been enchanted with several effects that most people don't even know about, Including him.

Mental characteristics


Despite what people may expect, Heracles is a proud Bisexual man, And will actively injure any who think that's wrong.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Heracles has too many achievements to list here, Especially ones that he believes are accomplishments. He is proud of the fact that he has undertaken quests for the aid of others.

Failures & Embarrassments

His main regret is being killed. Not with the fact that he died, But the fact that he couldn't win against the beast, Believing himself to be superior to it.

Intellectual Characteristics

Heracles is very brave, confident and all-around prideful. This can sometimes lead to him making mistakes, Such as the one that caused his death originally. But he can also be very kind, thoughtful and suprisingly, Emotionally intelligent.


People that abuse or injure their partners and children. If you do something like this around Heracles, He might just smash your head in right then and there.

Personality Characteristics


To finish his last labour, And any quests he may still have. This is his primary motivation, He tells himself that most of his time in the arena is training for this venture. But, He is stalling for time, Because he is afraid that once he completes this last task, He'll have nothing to devote himself to, Becoming a faint memory in the process.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Heracles is very good at wrestling, Either for entertainment or sport, Fake or Real. Along with this, He has a great deal of combat awareness/IQ, Being among the best fighters in Erethes.   However, He is suprisingly terrible at simple things, Like cooking, crafting, interacting with other people, Etc.

Likes & Dislikes

He loves a good fight, It is one of the only things he really enjoys. Other things include: Helping people, Crushing skulls and Olives.
Divine Classification
True Neutral
Current Status
Training in the Arena
Current Location
Date of Birth
17th of Western Flame, 7688 BR
Date of Death
4th of Minos, 7364 BR
7688 BR 7364 BR 324 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
Eaten Alive by Chromia
Rikos Forest, Olympus
Place of Death
E' Melenor, The Axtrian Pits
Current Residence
Arena of the Gods, Shade City
Hazel, Small and Determined
Short Hair and Beard, Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
7'2" (2.18 meters)
283lbs (128kg)
The Olympians (Greek Pantheon)
Known Languages
He has been around the world enough to be able to learn practically all languages in use by the people of Erethes.