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Shade City

The City of Ghosts

An enormous city resting on a small island in the river, Styx. It is where the majority of Shades live and exist, Often not venturing outside for their own safety. Despite how it appears on most maps, Shade City is extremely large, Rivaling the likes of Althra or The Steel Citadel.   While it does contain the things you would expect a city to have (Shops, Homes, Entertainment, Etc.), It's biggest attraction is the "Arena of the Gods", A Large arena where shades battle for prizes or obols. Many heroes participate, But none as popular as the Arena Champion, Heracles. After completing 11 labours, He had but one left, To defeat Cerberus. But until he can get there, He spends his time destroying people in the arena.   Some shades happen to be rich and poor, Much like a usual society. Certain districts, Shops, buildings and houses, Many of them aimed at each wealth class. The whole city does look a lot like Sparta or Athens, But with much more "modern" architecture and building techniques.


Practically every race that can normally be found on Erethes can also be found here, Except the "Monster" races or more beastial ones. Aside from this, The cities economy works like how you would expect, Usually using Charon's Obol as the main currency.


This city has all of the laws you would expect for a city on the surface. No killing, Stealing, Etc. These laws are normally enforced by guards, Sometimes by a higher-up if it becomes too hectic.


The whole city is surrounded by dark stone walls and multiple towers, archers and guards patrolling the area outside.


Despite most shades not needing the basic amenities that mortals would, There are plenty of watermills, sewer systems and grain farms. Marble or Brick pave the streets while the wooden, stone or metal houses rest.


Shade District. A section that covers most of the city and is where most of the inhabitants reside. This is where the majority of homes are and trade takes place, With the occational courtyard or two.   Thanatos District. The "middle" district of the city, It is where most of the non-general store businesses are placed. Entertainment, Banking, inn's and taverns, Etc. It is also where the Arena of the Gods is located.   Hades District. The highest tier, This is where almost all of the homes, businesses and areas owned or frequented by the rich are located. It even has a large fence surrounding the district, With guards at every gate to prevent others from entering.


Much like the area around it, The City has almost no natural greenery, With most of the areas outside that aren't roads being the Tartarus stone.
Large city
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