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Hermaeus Mora

Prince of Knowledge and Fate

The Gardener of Men (a.k.a. Herma-Mora)

Hermaeus Mora, God of Knowledge to some, Covetous Demon to others. Known by many names, In many cultures, Almost every civilization has a version of the "Woodland Man" myth in some form or another. Throughout all of history, Hermaeus Mora is always watching.   Most people have a slight idea of who "Herma-Mora" is on a conceptual level, But nobody except his followers and the people that take interest in the occult really know anything about him, Even fewer that have seen him. He is known to meddle in the affairs of mortals, Either for a larger goal of gaining hidden knowledge, Or for entertainment. Obsessed with learning to the point of placing the entire world at stake just to gain a piece of information that he's been trying to get for a century or two. Hermaeus will often choose one or more intelligent creatures to become his servants, And he has been known to ditch his previous champion if he spots a more promising one, Or if his usefulness has run out. Sometimes He'll send his champions on quests that, To them, Seem pointless. But to Hermaeus, It'll be everything.   He mostly keeps to himself, Often spending his entire free time to read, plot or create, Inside his realm of Apocrypha. Since so little is known about him, The majority of people don't even realize he exists, Believing his shrine in Drengrheim to be a product of Insane Zealots that follow a myth.   The truly knowledgeable know better.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Fate and Mind.


Black Books. A set of books that are crafted by Hermaeus Mora himself, Often housing some of his more... Useful information, At least for an adventurer. They are almost as big as a human torso and are often used as a gateway straight to Apocrypha, Among other things. Nobody except the creator truly knows how many of these actually exist, As only a handful of them have ever been discovered.   Oghma Infinium. A large book bound in skin taken from every single humanoid race on the prime material plane that contains the majority of Hermaeus' Knowledge, It is the creation that he is the most proud of. Occasionally, Herma-Mora will release this book out into Erethes, For fun. As soon as a person reads this book properly, It is immediately sent back to Apocrypha until released again. Unfortunately It's almost impossible to actually read this one, As most people that attempt to do so instantly suffer numerous problems including: Permanent loss of vision, Disintegration, Insanity, Entering Soul-binding contracts, And many more.   Firstblade. A longsword that appears as a large black tentacle, Not unlike a tentacle belonging to Hermaeus. It is attached to a green and gold handle made of a similar material to most of the structures in Apocrypha. When swinging the weapon, It reaches out to its foes, Extending the tentacle to slash at them.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A lime green, triangle-shaped glyph with runes etched along the edges, With a smaller circular glyph inside.   Sometimes a depiction of a crustacean-like tentacle monster with many eyes is used instead.


Gardener's Harvest (18th of Toshi): A holiday that is only celebrated and mostly only known by Followers of Herma-Mora, It consists of a lot of reading, sacrifices and general ritual work.


Hermaeus Mora

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Cthulhu




Brother (Trivial)

Towards Hermaeus Mora



Hermaeus Mora

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Nyarlathotep




Brother (Important)

Towards Hermaeus Mora



Hermaeus Mora

Rival (Vital)

Towards Thoth, God of Knowledge



Thoth, God of Knowledge

Rival (Important)

Towards Hermaeus Mora



Hermaeus Mora

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Odin, The All-Father



Odin, The All-Father

Acquaintance (Vital)

Towards Hermaeus Mora



Cultural Influence   Hermaeus Mora has been secretly influencing history for a very long time, As a result, Most cultures, areas and even realms at times have different versions of him. For some examples: Kaldakinn and other small Norse villages often call him "Herma-Mora" or "The Demon of Knowledge", While the Elves call him "The Woodland Man". Depending on where you are, Hermaeus Mora has also been described as having a variety of abilities and appearances, Including appearing as a hooded human in his 30s or being able to see the future.
Divine Classification
Great Old One
Neutral Evil
Current Status
Observing and Waiting.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Depending on the cultures, Hermaeus Mora is also sometimes referred to as Hermorah, Hoermius, Hormaius or "The Woodland Man".
Date of Birth
12th of Southern Solace, 8567 BR
Year of Birth
8567 BR 9332 Years old
Cthulhu (Brother)
Greenish-Yellow, Pupil similar to an equine or goat.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very Dark Green
Fate and Knowledge   Although many people would expect and already think that Hermaeus is Omniscient, Being one of the three main beings in the universe that are associated with this kind of thing. However that is not the case, Hermaeus needs to gain knowledge like anyone else. But he is just so good at obtaining it, Already ruling an entire realm to store it in for eternity anyway. In fact, Many of the times Hermaeus Mora comes to the prime material plane to interfere, It's only so he can weave the fates of mortals to allow him to gain some kind of knowledge in one way or another.