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The City of Gold

Lakdrassen is an old city built by dwarves, It is in fact the capital of dwarven cities around the world and is completely underground aside from the entrance.   The city is comprised of multiple districts, Each with their own distinct flavor. Lakdrassen is a mining city, and is underneath the Ky-Western Mountains, As a result, There are entire districts dedicated to mining ore and then smelting it. Many different mine entrances are near the lower parts of the city that are constantly being worked on, About twelve total mineshafts have been constructed so far, However, almost all of them go down for miles and go in different directions, Making the mining operation a lot larger than you would be led to believe.   The city has had an alliance with the fire giants of the west for about 600 years, Ever since Hrot the wise passed, There have been ups and downs to the alliance. Despite this, Every year there is a festival held within the city of gold to celebrate Giant and Dwarven history, As well as a meeting between the city council and some fire giant advisers.


The city is mostly comprised of Dwarves, Though there are plenty of different races that live and work here. Wealth Classes don't really exist in Lakdrassen, As practically everyone that has a job in or right outside of the city are equals in social class, Only the people in the government type professions become "Rich".   Mining is the go to profession of most people that live here, However there are plenty of people that go into business ownership, Enchantment or the occasional Orc tribe negotiator. The most popular job to have aside from miner, Is Merchant, Followed by Blacksmith/Forge Attendant.


The laws in Lakdrassen are what most people would expect in other locations, Such as, Stealing, Murder, Destruction of property, So on. Furthermore, If any materials taken from the mines within the city are sold from any vendor or service in the city, Half of the selling price goes to the city council fund.   Speaking of city council, They are a group of about 6 people that run the 6 districts of Lakdrassen. Nothing gets done in the city without their say-so, It also uses a "Majority Wins" voting system.


As for defending the city, There really isn't too much that can be done due to the natural security of the Ky-Western Mountains. However, There are about 20 Royal Guards protecting the king and the council, As well as 1,000 lesser guards, Half of which are patrolling the city at all times, Swapping out once it gets late enough for people to start going to sleep and for shops to start closing up.

Industry & Trade

As stated in other places, The majority of jobs is mining or forge work. The city gets most of it's money by making parts, weapons, armor, Etc.   Due to the limitations of not having a natural lava source near the city, They get lava imports from the fire giants in the west in exchange for smithing materials.


The city uses a water delivery system to power the majority of machinery, Including all of the forges and smelters, The only machines that don't use this system is the mining equipment, Which uses coal or steam.   There is a sewer system that links up to a large lake outside of the city, Near the mountain range. After filtration, The sewage gets dumped into the lake and processed into clean water again.


The First District. A moderately sized area where most of the restaurants, Inns, Taverns and shops are. Located directly after entering through the main gate.   The Second District. Where most of the forges and material storages are located. This district is the third biggest in the city.   The Third District. Where the council HQ and Fighters Guild Branch is located, As well as the homes and property of the rich.   The Fourth District. Where all of the mines and mining equipment is located. Also the Biggest District.   The Fifth District. Where most of the housing is located. Second Biggest District.   The Sixth District. Where the King and his trusted have their homes built.

Guilds and Factions

The Mercenary Guild. A faction of mercenaries and warriors from all over Erethes, They have minor influence over Lakdrassen purely due to the leader of the Lakdra Branch of the guild also being on the city council.


Created a few hundred years before Ahriman was revived, This settlement was on the rise for a long time and it didn't stop when Althra disappeared, In fact, It started becoming even more of a popular destination due to the sudden migration of people that had recently lost their homes.

Points of interest

"The Ragnarok Statue". A Statue in commemoration of the long lasting alliance between the Lakdra and The Fire Giants, Consists of a solid gold statue of a giant working at an anvil.   "Council Building". A large tower-like building with a large room at the top that has a round table and six chairs placed around it for council meetings.   "Firebeard's Abode". The main name for the house that the current king gets to live in, It is arguably the largest home in the whole city.   "The Lavafall". A large smelter the size of a five-story building, Used for smelting piles of materials at a time.


Large and surprisingly vibrant dwarven architecture and statues of various dwarves from history. The majority of the government buildings, Statues and Roads are all made using Darkstone.


The air tends to be stale and nigh-unbreathable for newcomers, Comes with the territory when you choose to live under a mountain. Temperature is consistently hot and humid, As the open forges spread their heat throughout the cavern.
Founding Date
19th of Southern Solace, 321 BR
Alternative Name(s)
Dwarf Nest, Argo's Foundation
Inhabitant Demonym


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