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Zach Soto

Zachary Soto, Known as just Zach to his friends, Is a small time bounty hunting swordsman based out of the city of Tregata, In Athrae. In his early life, Zach Soto was a nomadic thief, Usually attempting to swindle and rob anybody that looked like an easy enough target. He had spent plenty of time doing this, All the way into his early twenties.   When he was twenty-five or so, He tried to steal from a rich family and got arrested in the process, Being brought to the nearby prison. There, He met a man by the name of "Sean". This man, a 30 year old human by the looks of it, Was sitting near the corner of the holding cell. Zach and Sean had a long talk about their life choices. Sean regaled about how he had stolen medicine from a sick woman to sell it for profit. How he still regrets it to this day, And how he heard about her death the following day. Horrified at the fact that he may end up doing such a terrible deed due to greed, When he was released, He traveled to Xuebao Karst. He had heard stories from this region, Stories speaking about how Xuebao was a region filled with culture and tranquility, People seeking to find peace with themselves.   He had traveled to the Temple of the Lotus for guidance. After arriving at this temple, He meet a man named "Yogi Vang", A master of "The Open Hand" style. Seeking methods to protect people rather than steal from them, He trained under this man for many years, Eventually becoming a great swordsman. However, Due to his impatience, He left for Athrae before his training was complete. He then arrived in Tregata once again, This time he hoped, As a better man.   After this event, He had begun hanging around the bounty boards for work, Eventually becoming so good at it that the local guard started hiring him for jobs as well. Eventually, He had come across a person out in the woods being attacked by a bear. After swiftly slaying it, Zach had heard about this persons life, And decided to take them on as a protege of sorts. Eventually though, Zachary Soto was slain during a battle with a fierce pack of Werewolves. He still was never sure if Sean was that man's actual name or not, His last moments were him wondering what it could've been.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is fairly fit, Mostly being the agile type of fit. But this wasn't too noticeable unless you were looking for it.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually wearing brown leathers with a brown undershirt, This was his go-to outfit. Along with grey pants and fingerless gloves.



He normally spoke without an accent, But certain words would be said in a more (for lack of a better word), "Redneck" manner than others.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
4th of Toshi, 724 AV
Date of Death
9th of Southern Solace, 763 AV
724 AV 763 AV 39 years old
Circumstances of Death
Impaled by a werewolf claw
Tregata, Athrae
Place of Death
Widow Woods, Athrae
Current Residence
Saint Marek's Cemetery, Tregata
Short, Gentleman's cut, Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly Tanned
5'8" (1.72 meters)
163lbs (73kg)
Known Languages
Common and Thieves' cant.