Gridal Empire Organization in Eriad | World Anvil
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Gridal Empire

Founded in roughly -2700 BCA, the Gridal Empire is the oldest great nation. It arose out of the ashes of the ancient Tetan empire, the specifics of which have not been committed to history, and remain unknown.   The Gridal empire has always focused it's efforts on military strength, believing that might is necessary to maintain a strong society. It's taxes are heavily funneled in to maintaining military strength, for the primary purpose of defending itself against monsters, although in the past they were a much more aggressive force in the world, historically attempting to forcibly take over the Olidian nation back in -2300 BCA.   They were the first and only great nation to attempt to manipulate the energy from primal crystals, and were responsible for creating the fracture in -120 BCA.   In 20 CA, the monarch of the time, Queen Nata Gridal, was assassinated by the Crystallinus Pugatio cult, which led to a new family adopting the Gridal name, elected by the people.   With the invention of Magitek, the Gridal empire focused on improving it's weaponry and defensive technologies. They soon created multiple Castrums all over their territory, great fortress towns that house the large majority of their military forces, ready to mobilize at a moments notice.   The nation retains positive relations with the other nations, despite it's intimidating military they have shown no intention to enact hostilities. Instead, they provide defensive services to the world.   The princess Irina Gridal is currently missing, she is the first born child of the King, heiress to the throne.   The Gridal empire is currently ruled by King Marlen Gridal.


Ruled by a Monarch.

Public Agenda

Believes in strong military might to ensure the safety and security of the world.


Strong military. Gridalian Military. Average wealth.
"Enough expository banter! Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men!"

Security in strength

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Cover image: by Eldi13


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