Common Idioms Language in Erilar | World Anvil

Common Idioms

Writing System


Geographical Distribution

All over the continent of Zacan and in some regions beyond.
Root Languages
Common Phrases

Below are 10 phrases and idioms spoken in Zaccan, also referred to as "Common"


"Shed A Tear To See More Clear." - A saying used to imply it is better to let your emotions out before getting some mental clarity.

"A Hug Can Be Warmer Than A Fire." - Sometimes the less violent approach can yield better results

"A Single Flame Can Become An Inferno." - A phrase portraying the idea that a single spark of inspiration can grow into something much, much larger.

"Turning Change To Growth." - A phrase used in times of grief or hardship as a positive outlook on a situation. A change can end up making you a better person if you allow it.

"Flowers Smell Fresher In The Morning." - A phrase used to caution people to sleep on something before acting upon things. To act with a clear head.

"A Single Stone Can Be The Start Of A Home." - How a single step, no matter how small, can lead to good things if you keep working on it.

"If A Punishment Doesn't Reach, The Punishment Doesn't Teach." - How is someone meant to learn if they are not paying attention to what is being taught?

"A Single Lie Can Mean Goodbye." - How one mistake can ruin something good.

"A Crown Does Not Make A King." - A phrase used to describe that it's who a person is and what they do/how they act that matters, not their appearance.

"Like Trying To Teach A Fish To Fly." - A phrase used while describing a futile task.