Carbonne Retreats

Please, do enjoy your stay. Let Tianna guide you towards the peace you need.
— A retreat guide
  The Carbonne Retreats are carved out in the Earthren city of Wickstone, in the mountain Bromdes. The retreats were originally created for those that felt an affinity for Elemental Spiritualism, specifically that towards the Earthren Mother Tianna, but over time has become a place of refuge for all that require time away from noisy lives. Considering the location, the vast majority of their patrons are Earths. Occasionally, however, a tourist comes, either because they purposefully sought out the retreat, or stumbled upon it. Usually these non-Earthren tourists are Elemental Spiritualists, looking for a unique way to connect with Tiana.

General Atmosphere

When entering the retreat, most are asked to change into the provided robes at the door, though the guides do not insist if one makes it clear they are not interested. Weapons are absolutely required to be stowed away, and are not under any circumstances allowed in the retreat. After everyone is cleared by the staff, they are allowed to enter. The retreat is a series of halls and passages, the bare stone walls etched with scenes of nature. Hallways give way to open rooms, with stone carved benches and chairs to sit on. Tables are all decorated in various gems, jewels, and minerals. It is quiet, but not silent. People chat quietly near each other, others speak their prayers quietly. The sounds of those who choose to engage in using magic as a method of worship can be heard through the hums and rumbles of energy.

There are the smells of the stew that is always being cooked in the kitchen, free to take a bowl if one is hungry. A nook designed for those that wish to rest, with the option of straw to be added to the bare rock beds in the slight case a non-Earth is the one looking for rest. Overall, it is temple like, but it is also home like. If you are not afraid of walking around dimly lit halls with not a window in sight.

Retreat Rules

Weapons are not allowed nor is any hostile conversation. The retreat is a place find peace, and while conversation is allowed, the topics should stay light. While there is no minimum stay, nor cost, it is asked that those that enter do exit after seven nights, so that the space may be turned around. The retreat staff are happy to assist in helping those who need a home find the correct authorities to do so. For those that might need a safe and short stay somewhere, the retreat is always open.
Temple / Religious complex


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