Force Fields

Do you ever wonder if they could lock us in here as easily as they lock everyone else out?
  Across Erina, the walls of every city buzz with generators, casting a bubble of magical energy into the sky. While not invincible to constant attacks, the force created by the generators prevents air attacks, and bombing runs from being simple across the larger cities. Essentially, the technology simulates the natural force field effect the Gold creates around Elementals to stop bullets from hitting them. It is however exhaustible, and without the addition of anti-air weapons, or an effective defensive force, it will overload the generators.

Most force fields have a purely defensive purpose, allowing those within to easily fly out of the city, while forcing internal traffic to come in through the monitored checkpoints. But this can actually be modified to act as a wall for everyone involved. This is most often seen within the larger cities in Isolde.

Parent Technologies
Magical Batteries
Diana Verstraete
Related Species
Earth Elemental
Fire Elemental
Ice Elemental
Lightning Elemental
Mixed Elemental


Diana Verstraete discovered the ability to use the charge of multiple magical batteries in a series with a centre rod to create a bubble of magical energy. While originally this bubble radiated the effects based on the magical energy used to create it (Fire magic for example was only capable of toasting whatever you passed through it), she worked to specialize the effects, finding that the field could be used to filter what could enter. Now, instead of making toast, the small model only allowed items or creatures charged with Fire magic to enter and leave. Anything else that touched it was still affected by the Elemental magic used to create it. A final test, using the niard fruit paste charged with Golden power altered the field to be able to be controlled, first by Diana's thoughts, then later on by a master controller. This allows the field to be manipulated in a way to prevent the Elemental magic from enacting its harmful effects, switching either to prevent any magic entities from entering, or all, and the directions the filter acts.

On a larger scale the force fields still work the same, but are now controlled by a significantly more complex computer, with specific controls. The filters have been refined over time, allowing beings with small amounts of Elemental magic to pass through (meaning most wildlife) while still blocking those of more intense amounts (Elementals, Ravagers, and Dragons).

Social Impact

Force fields have allowed those that live in the larger cities, and therefore higher priority targets, to live in significantly less fear. Especially compared to the small towns and cities that do not have enough value to justify the energy costs to running the large force fields. Without worry about the massive attacks the Ravagers can wage, these cities have become a highly desirable place to live. Which of course increases their value as a target. Because of the safety, these cities generally become the go-to place of essential industries, further taking opportunity from those living in the more dangerous areas. Even with the ability for Golden power to create pockets of areas to increase the space within the walls, there never will be enough room to fit everyone in safety.

In exchange for the safety, many people have given up much of their freedom of movement. Sure, the majority can leave, but to return requires passing through the checkpoints. And you never know if the person standing next to you in line is actually eyeing you as a wonderful snack underneath their glamour. This exchange becomes even more of a sacrifice within Isolde, as the force fields are used to keep people in, and there is no escape from the cities without the right papers. And those that are the most desperate to run rarely have them, nor the money required to forge them.

And during wartime, the force fields often keep people in, huddling for safety. Which lasts until the generators are compromised, or the attacks push the batteries to the point of failure.


The force fields are a common enough sight across Erina, though they are absolutely not for the public. Previously a guarded military secret, each upgrade and improvement is kept hidden to the exact mechanism. Even to allies of each country.

OF course, like all great technologies, the original design eventually fell into Ravager hands. Though this was far worse than that of espionage, and instead the culprit was an Elemental, Alyssa Raes, a Lightning living in Torra. As the reason that the Ravager controlled cities were suddenly becoming much harder targets than previously was discovered, the world teetered on the brink of war. Alyssa was publicly executed, but even still it took a decade before relations with Torra came even close to their original standing.


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