Initiative Towards World Health

An organization that works towards assisting those who struggle to access basic healthcare. While they work through donations, and the majority of their work is done away from those that fund them, they do their best. The main focus of their work is to provide easy access to vaccines. While such care is considered to be basic in some parts of the world, there are areas where Doctors don't work or stay due to the danger of being so remote. In Isolde, however, the reason is that most are priced out of receiving absolute basic care. Initiatives to work in Isolde are often funded by international governments, considering that one of the basic vaccines that people are charged for in Isolde includes the Devastation vaccine.


The members of the organization are mostly volunteers, many of which are newly graduated civilian Doctors, Nurses, and other medical specialists looking to help and also to get their hours in. The organization works to cover the basic room and board for those that work with them, moving to set up in places with low resources. Some of the membership involves those that a military trained, some volunteer their time to help protect the medical staff that works in more dangerous areas. Occasionally, Combat Medics will also volunteer, especially in actively hostile areas given that they are allowed to use lethal force under their oath, helping better distribute the paid mercenaries and volunteer guards.

Areas of Work

The organization started to assist those in the smaller towns that were being abandoned by medical professionals, considering the large danger in treating them. Larger cities had either actual military forces guarding them, walls, or even force fields in the largest, which greatly reduced the risk of dying in a Ravager attack. Those that could not move away from small rural towns now were also not going to be able to have the money to spend on Enigma Crystals, and were risking their lives travelling long distances via Dragons. This meant that these people were stuck both for large medical concerns, and even the most basic care. Seeing that Ravagers were not going to be eradicated tomorrow, the founders gathered like-minded volunteers and moved in. Doing their best with donated medicine, vaccines, and basic equipment. This worked both to improve quality of life, and also to prevent outbreaks of vaccine controlled diseases. Having Doctors available also improved outcomes for when there was an attack.

As the organization grew attention, donations flooded in to support their work, and soon enough even the governments were providing donations. This increased the scope of work, including a large focus on Isolde. At this time, Devastation Syndrome had begun to be whispered about again on the world stage. And despite it being help for another nation, the last thing Erina needed was an entire nation's poor turned into Ravagers. For the Initiative, they cared to help the people that had been left abandoned, forced to hope that their child would not contract diseases that the rich never even imagined at that point.


The Initiative Towards World Health is allowed to work across Erina, baring areas of military significance. They are also not allowed to assist with the wounded soldiers in any Elemental conflict, minus those between mercenary groups.

Creating a Healthier World

Activist, Charity
Alternative Names


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