Wall Guards

A common sight for all that live within the walled cities. Wall guards are soldiers posted exclusively to guarding the cities, protecting the field generators and AA weapons. Another part of this position involves checking in those that would enter a walled city to make sure that they are who they say they are. This is best enforced for cities that have Force Fields, though they are usually also found on top of all walls, trying to spot and neutralize threats before they get too close to the walls, and operating the AA weapons.

Units of Wall guards are generally 30 members strong. How many units are active at any time around a city depends on its size, and the amount of entrances that need to be patrolled. They are usually armed with long ranged weapons such as grenade launchers, explosive arrows, and the AA weapons that the walls have installed.

Wall guards generally have the same training as the other units within their military structure. The only difference is the extra training done for scanning and identifying suspicious people that attempt to enter the city walls. There is a large emphasis on attention to details, but also for the close quarter combat that commonly can occur when a Ravager or a criminal attempts to enter a city. For Ravagers the force used against them is always lethal, but due to the chance of identifying criminals, and other non-compliant people, all Wall guards are trained to arrest, and detain people until Local Forces members can take over the job.

Given that Wall guards are not a mobile unit, their needs for logistics support is usually limited. They are a defensive unit, not one that goes close to the front lines, and the stockpiles of supplies are generally behind them for the worst case scenario when they may to fall back to the inner barriers of a city (if that city as inner barriers).


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Aug 7, 2024 04:53 by Marjorie Ariel

An important job, indeed. I'm curious to know more about what their day to day life is like. Do they stop a lot of threats? A lot of people who are just potential threats? Or are they mostly checking papers?

Aug 7, 2024 14:31

It definitely depends on the city that they get assigned to. Areas that are closer to the border with the Ravagers see a lot more full attacks against the cities, along with more subtle attempts like trying to get in through the checkpoints. So they would be stopping plenty of threats, while also putting their lives on the lines dealing with disguised ravager in close quarters or active conflict. The day to day would probably be tense patrols, likely having to destroy mobs of Ravagers before they get larger, and a focus on running the weapons along the walls to do this. Depending on how close the border is, the city may or may not allow travel in or out, so there's definitely less paper checking, but since there are essential reasons to need to leave and enter, it's still part of the job, though not all the time .   For the Wall guards that work for cities far from the front lines of the conflict, it definitely becomes a more cushy job. Full scale attacks are rare. Most of the threats would come from the subtle attempts of a single ravager trying to get in through checkpoints, though that'd also be rarer. So a bigger emphasis on handling the large day to day influx of people coming for work, with the occasional small conflict of a couple of Ravagers, and the rest of time doing maintence of the weapon systems and boring patrols where you don't have to use them.