Houses of the Wayward

"It's a fine place to hang your hat if you can't find an inn... just don't ask what's in the stew. Some things are best left unknown."
— Fournan, Caravan Master
  Across a large swath of Erisdaire, the Stewards of the Wayward have set up shelters for those who need it. These houses take many forms, from a simple single-room shelter with beds to a larger inn more typical of traveling lodges. But they have more in common with each other than is different from place to place. The Stewards for each location act in similar fashions, as their overall goals are the same independent of where they actually are. First and foremost is providing safety and shelter for those who come to the Houses, and only then is there a concern about how to arrange supplies or payment.

Each House location is clearly marked with a sign showing the 'clasped hands' of the Stewards, either as a plank of wood or a metal sign. The interior is almost always furnished simply with beds, stools, and tables. Decorative elements are usually limited to warm green drapes and coverings over open doors, or similarly colored area rugs. Mattresses are usually made from cotton not suitable for turning into textiles, rather than straw or feathers. Further objects such as blankets, pillows, or lanterns are donated from outside sources rather than purchased. This gives each House different details while retaining very similar quality of service.

Food served is usually simple meat-based stews, with whole-grain bread. During warmer weather, this meal is often changed into cured meat served with hard cheeses, unleavened bread, and fruits. Each serving is not significant in size, meant to sustain a person for another day. Extra servings may be made available if there are not enough people to use up all the food which is prepared - this is not a common occurrence, as batches are made according to the size of the group staying that day.

Owning Organization


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