The Stewards of the Wayward

"Come, you tired and wretched souls. Here you may find solace, peace, and safety for the night."
— Stewards' Door Inscription
  Throughout the frontiers of the Empire, a group of individuals work to offer housing and food to those who do not have it. They do not ask for repayment directly, though they gladly accept assistance when it is offered and will take on individuals who wish to also help. These are the "Stewards of the Wayward", operating out of hostels in frontier towns and occasionally roadside buildings. Most people are aware of the Order of the Sun operating within the boundaries of the Empire, but the Stewards have cultivated a great amount of trust among the border towns.

As far as organization goes, most of the individual locations are free to operate under local leadership without oversight from any higher-ranking members. This allows them to deal with problems as they arrive, and make decisions swiftly when it comes to an unforeseen situation. These locations do not accept monetary donations, preferring to take food or clothing instead. No questions are asked, and no payment is ever requested of those who use the hostels, even if an individual doing so clearly is not in dire need. The only standard request is to assist in cleaning the building before sleeping. Adventurers and travelers often make use of these hostels rather than spend money on inns, and this also allows the Stewards to avoid actually having trained protectors for many of their locations outside city walls.

Some find it curious the organization claims to have started in Lybermis, as that frontier town is known for barely having law and order at all. The reputation of that city has only cemented the idea of the Stewards as truly a positive impact on the world, if even the Free City allows them to operate without trouble.

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"You don't understand what I've seen. The Stewards claim the Moonhollow hostel was infiltrated, but I was there. I saw the documentation... I know it sounds mad. But the Empire has allowed a demon cult to spread unchecked due to never asking enough questions."
- Caden Grey, Adventurer
  Unknown to most, the Stewards are backed by a broad network of individuals worshipping the Lady of Binding Coils. This aspect of Shayliss is interested in subverting civilization to serve only her and her children. The majority of these "children" are serpentfolk who use the hostels as safehouses while traveling through areas hostile to them, or otherwise are altered humanoids who can conceal the transformative "gifts" given by Shayliss.

The Stewards are thus a public face which keep the majority of citizens unaware such a plot is underway, and filter out those who could be useful in carrying forward the broader plan. Each individual hostel is allowed considerable latitute in their approach, and if appearances are compromised then a quiet reorganization is done with the offending members left to be sacrificed to maintain the story.

At least twice have matters come to the surface, with incredibly different results. Moonhollow village suffered an attempt to completely co-opt their leadership by the use of impostors and lies, only to be discovered by adventurers and rooted out. The involvement of Shayliss' serpentfolk were not uncovered, however, and so business was allowed to continue as usual while most clandestine operations ceased out of the location. In comparison there is the tale of the Oakbrook disappearances; an entire town in Helenic was found abandoned as though everyone had simply just walked away in the middle of their day. Evidence pointed to a massive amount of traffic into the local hostel, but nobody had left. Investigations turned up nothing, as the Stewards had been exceptionally careful with how to cover their tracks.

In the current year, the Stewards have also begun operating in Myrisia, though their tasks are much more difficult with arcane magic being more available. Shayliss' attention seems to be more fixed on Lybermis and the headquarters, however, as this is where the leadership of the Stewards and her other children occasionally have friction between the long plan and the potential for short-term gains.

"May All Who Seek Help, Receive It"

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