Lesser Serpentfolk

Children of Shayliss

"You know, the kiss wasn't half bad, but that tongue..."
— Overheard at a tavern.
  While not all serpentfolk serve Shayliss, those who do require a point of contact with the rest of the world. Most humanoids react poorly to what appears to be a hybrid of serpent and human, and so there was a plan established many centuries ago which has finally started to see results within the last couple generations. Powerful magic was used to permit serpentfolk and humanoids to have children, which often inherited only a portion of their serpentfolk parents' features. This would be repeated over multiple generations, until the results were nearly indistinguishable from their "clean" parents without careful study. These individuals now mingle with 'normal' people within towns and other settlements, bolstering the presence of Shayliss' followers considerably.

Most of these "lesser serpentfolk" have a single aspect of their heritage which is visible to those who know what to look for. This can be patches of scaly flesh, serpentine irises, fangs, or a combination of these things. Individuals are also noted to have quicker reflexes on average, often spotted when someone drops an object nearby. The most common "other half" of this hybrid species are humans, elves, and tieflings. Most individuals have also been located throughout settlements bordering the Sebilian jungle, or areas known to receive heavy passenger traffic by ship. Outside of the Rhyliss Empire, however, there is less of a stigma associated with appearances in this fashion. Due to this, the number of serpentfolk has been increasing inside Helenic and Myrisia. Most of these take on positions with the Stewards of the Wayward as employees in the hostels.

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There is one other aspect of these serpentfolk which is important to know, and very few scholars have managed to discover it. They are capable of innate magic derived from a connection to Shayliss, though this usually takes the form of being able to cause effects through a touch. This has run the range from simply causing a rash or fatigue, to leaving boils, to causing temporary shifts of personality. It has been observed in some cases where known individuals inflict minor troubles and their victims are directed to an allied doctor or apothecary. When temporary changes to disposition are caused, this usually ends with the afflicted visiting the Stewards of the Wayward to sleep off the night. During such visits, other manipulations are begun which steadily shift the target's personality in a more permanent fashion. Attempts to bring this to light have been met with skepticism, and a resistance to blaming all of the serpentfolk for "the actions of a few degenerates".
48 to 91 years
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