Sevilan Island

"Welcome to the wild frontier of Sebile. The town council is not responsible for your safety outside the palisade, and we request you not stir up the natives. You are free to wander the town until sunset, after which you will need to find shelter. Also, if you're headed into the jungle, you're going to want some insect repellent. Junji's will sell you smoke sticks for a fair price, don't let others fool you - his will work about two thirds of the time. Good luck out there!"
— Excerpt from the "Welcoming Orientation" speech
  While the Rhyliss Empire lays claim to the Sebilian jungle, this is widely known to be a proclamation without much power behind it. The Empire has not sunk the same kind of efforts into controlling the territory as they have elsewhere, simply putting the work of development in the hands of the Sebilian Trade Partnership. The island is now home to the only permanent Imperial settlement within the territory called Sebile, and one of the handful of permanent settlements built by those not native to the jungles. The governor is only a figurehead, as the Trade Partnership handles most matters in the settlement themselves.


The town is governed by a council formed from the various merchant groups involved in the founding and development of Sevilan. Thus the Redmark Traders, the Misty Road Company, and Shooting Star Compact all nominate two individuals to serve, and they can only be removed through death or a unanimous vote (excepting the individual, of course). In any cases of a tie, the governor can be called on to settle the dispute as the local official of the Empire. In most cases, dissent tends to be along company lines but there have been instances where fractures have opened up. One such case was involving the idea of increasing the members of the council to three per company to make it less likely for ties to happen, and the vote was settled at five to one against.

Two years ago, the Obsidian Traders were added to the town council with two new seats and their influence has largely been spent improving the docks and warehouses. The two newest seat holders are well aware their inclusion has caused some hurt feelings, and tend to abstain for many votes unless they have a good reason for their votes. Currently the longest-serving member of the council is Immianthe Shathyra, Master Trader of the Shooting Star Compact. Through several promises and favors being owed, she is practically the one leading the council. While she would believe this is in the good interest of the town's future development, curiously the Shooting Stars have managed to secure contracts for most ship-borne lumber exports into the Empire.


The town has two methods of protection: the isolation of the ocean, and a wooden palisade ringing most of the inhabited part of the island. With the native populations of lizardfolk and serpentfolk inside the jungle, the island is not nearly as well-defended through the use of water as a natural barrier. However, the distance is more of a major component as it would take more effort than it is worth to attack the settlement. Sentry posts are staffed with a half-dozen people at any time, all of whom are trained to raise an alarm before engaging any threats. These posts are less common around the goat pastures, but remain effective enough. The posts are designed to be towers at least three stories tall, and have signal bells to signal for incursions. Drills are done regularly, so residents have practiced being able to get to shelter in the case of a serious attack.

The wooden palisade around the town is made of the same hardwood harvested from the jungle, and has been treated to be resistant to both weather and fire. Furthermore, there are actually two layers of wood to the palisade, allowing the support of walkways on top for sentries to keep an eye on matters away from their towers. Attempts to get through are more likely to draw the attention of sentries before it is possible, excepting the use of great force. This, of course, will certainly alert everyone about an attack and raise the guard. Only one attempt in the last hundred years was able to breach the wall, and the intruders were swiftly put down by adventurers resting up before entering the jungle.

The last line of defense is the people of Sevilan: sentries, Imperial Guard, and adventurers. Of the first group there is an extensive city watch keeping an eye on threats from within and without. Their presence has a dampening effect on crime, as it is far easier to target shipments for larcenous purposes at the receiving end rather than here in Sevilan. The Imperial Guard is less extensive, numbering only a few units and tasked with protecting the governor's estate. During a crisis, however, they can be counted on to respond rapidly and with substantial training in combat. Lastly, there are almost always groups of adventurers in town resting up before or after entering the jungle to pursue fortune and glory. If they are resting before embarking on their expeditions, or have survived the brutal and treacherous jungle, then they are certainly no pushovers. All three of these personnel together form a formidable defense force, which has proven effective enough to dissuade raids on the town. However, extending that protection to assets on the mainland would split the focus and allow one or the other to be overwhelmed in short order.

Industry & Trade

Sevilan is primarily a place for facilitating transport of goods acquired from the local area to Eva Oceana, such as spices or herbs not able to be cultivated elsewhere. But overshadowing this business are crews of workers traveling into the jungle for two-month periods logging and cutting lumber as an exotic wood for decorative purposes. Hardwood from the jungle trees is particularly durable, and is similar to the darkwood elves use for weapons - without the layers of arcane enhancements. Thus it has become fashionable in the last few years to use for external decorative elements, or as part of a composite floor where foot traffic is heavy.

There is a large portion of the island being reserved for livestock, mostly wooly goats which are useful for the variety of products which can be harvested from them. The increasing population has the farmers leading requests to work on a zone of safety on the mainland, which so far has been denied as being too difficult. However, in the last year a swelling population has made it important to look into expansion for other reasons. Without additional permanent protection, however, expansion is not a viable option.


About a hundred years ago, the Rhyliss Empire began attempting to explore the rest of Erisdaire in an effort to find room to expand into. As soon as it was apparent there was territory in the Sebilian jungles which could be claimed, and there were ample natural resources, plans were drawn up for how to make use of it. When efforts stalled, a group of merchants presented the option of taking over development. The presented plan would use an island just off the shore as a more secure location than trying to carve out a large portion of the jungle. This plan was eventually approved, and so the Sebilian Trade Partnership began making arrangements.

It took two years to build the basic infrastructure for the settlement, using imported stone and lumber. During this time, the informal name of "Sebilian Island" slowly became corrupted into "Sevilan Island" and this became the name of the settlement. The various merchant companies making up the Trade Partnership made arrangements to include the Obsidian Traders from the Fireshard Isles, which brought fresh money passing through. Adventurers began to take notice of the myriad opportunities in exploring the jungle, and the governor was empowered to create licenses for their operation.

Four years ago an adventuring group passed through with information about an abandoned dragon's hoard on the Fireshard Isles, and rumors about ancient temples in the jungle waiting to be raided. This helped bring an influx of treasure and adventurers, speeding development up. In the years since, Sevilan Island is enjoying the attention and trying to expand its scale to add a shore-based settlement. This process has been fraught with peril as the natives are not keen on seeing the Empire put down more permanent roots.

Founding Date
Sixth Moon, 1415 AF
Inhabitant Demonym
Sevilan Islanders
Location under
Owning Organization


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