Galwell Harte

(a.k.a. "Particle")

Galwell was a man that was already involved in a life of crime before circumstances let him to a Ley Font. The man worked as a highwayman on the road from Kuhlaine which ran through the Legacy Mine in Ishtos, extorting high tolls from travelers to spare themselves from being killed for their possessions instead. Thanks to a stroke of misfortune one day, Galwell and his partner ended up trying to exact their demands from a carriage transporting a small group of R.I.S.E. agents who were currently equipped with gear forged by Arsenal. The two were greatly outmatched and forced to flee. The agents pursued, resulting in the demise of Galwell's friend and himself being cornered on a cliff overlooking the Zifaras River. As a desperate attempt to flee his execution at the hands of R.I.S.E., Galwell took his chances leaping from the cliff and into the river. He was believed dead on the scene, but with his reappearance later with abilities in tow, it is assumed he encountered the Ley Font which bestowed his abilities soon after his jump.


Galwell's abilities allow him to disperse his physical body into a cloud of molecules, in whole, or in part, as well as control the speed of his dispersal or recombination. Should he be injured, Galwell is able to "erase" that injury and thus instantly heal himself by a simple full body dispersal and reforming. While dispersed, he is able to control each particle of his body individually with a maximum range of ten meters between each molecule. These particles of himself are seemingly unhindered by gravity or wind, thus allowing him to technically fly while he remains dispersed and can cross great distances for both travel or making attacks on foes.
While the above abilities are rather significant on their own, it is Galwell's capacity of combining his own molecules with those of any inorganic substance in his surroundings which poses a true threat, as he can reform his physical shape into any design he can imagine made up of these materials. When this occurs, he technically disassembles the physical composition of an object or material in his vicinity and fuses it with his own temporarily. This allows him to de-materialize and adversary's weaponry or armor and turn himself into a cloud of metal blades, or take the appearance of a hollow wolf made of metal.
Lawful Evil
Naturally brown, with a touch of grey, but will vary if he is fused with any substances.
5' 10" (Normally, but can be variable if fused.)

Cover image: by Nychse


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