Order of Traix

One of the more modern and dominant religions on the continent of @Ourobos, the followers of Traix believe in three governing celestial spirits who stand equal in their duties of existence, linked by a concept of camaraderie or sense of family. Believed to be a human adaptation of the three deities worshiped by the Centaurs, these three spirits each represent a core realm that together construct the universe: the sun, Erlyse itself, and the stars.
With the existence of night and day, light and shadow, and the darkness between the stars, the Order of Traix believes in the duality of everything. Good and evil. Virtues and sins. Life and death. Strengths and flaws. As such, both sides of these things are revered by Traix's parish, and the devout of this faith dress themselves in attire that reflects this respect for duality by dressing in simple, dual shade clothing. White and black, or grey and black are the most common, but white and grey and even brown and orange have been used in some regions (the latter within Strenn and coastal Ishtos). The Order of Traix is best known as the origin for the now commonly accepted official name for their world, @Erlyse, which is the name of the spirit who represents the world, and is believed to be the "mother" of the moons.


There are three main positions within the Order of Traix that interact with the parish on a day to day basis.  
  • Eccelesia - Traveling priests or priestesses that serve both as a spiritual guide of the faith and missionary to the 'untouched' lands. These individuals are often seen on extremely long pilgrimages across the world, often providing charity and helpful tasks for communities they visit on their travels, while also preaching to the populations of the region.
  • Oathswain - These individuals are partially seen as 'enforcers' of the faith due to their propensity of serving as bodyguards for an Eccelesia. However, their own tasks require them to accept the oaths of new members of the parish, and provide them with guidance, mostly focused on the solidarity of their beliefs.
  • Barrocai - Leaders of local chapters of the Order of Traix, similar to ministers of a church, Barrocai organize gatherings for worship and other events for the parish of their local region. More often than not, gathering spots are composed of a large bonfire with specialized seating designed to allow a member of the faith to stare at the sky, with meetings held at high noon or late at night when the stars are visible.
Religious, Organised Religion

Cover image: by Nychse


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