Pasqua de Fiescho

(a.k.a. "Doorway")

Formerly a love interest of a low level nobleman of Vonskaya, Pasqua can attribute the acquisition of her powers to an incident during a brief act of war where the nation of Cermesta laid siege to the port city she and her husband to be called home. Their manor suffered extensive damage from a volley of siege weapons that ignited a cache of incendiary materials beneath the building. Pasqua had survived the resulting blast, but was caught in a cave in of the remaining building as it sunk into a cavern further below the grounds which had been opened up by the incident, and presumably housed the Ley Font which bestowed her powers. Powers which went unnoticed for years until an investigation and observation agent of R.I.S.E. was able to trace a series of unexplained events to Pasqua's presence.
The woman herself still doesn't know how to truly control her abilities, or if she even really can, as the powers may actually control her. Since the incident at the manor, Pasqua believes she is on a descent into madness, claiming to hear a voice speaking to her that claims to be from another reality. This voice insists that it belongs to this alternate world's version of Pasqua herself, and seems to be upset at the circumstances of life and the world society Pasqua is forced to live in on Erlyse, thus it promises the woman that there is a grand project in the works within the alternate reality which will bring freedom and much change to Pasqua's world as long as she aids them in the 'prep work'. Whether any of this is true has yet to be officially verified by anyone.


"Doorway's" abilities are still vastly misunderstood and for the most part unknown, since the scope of their usage has not actually been proven and thus requires much more direct observation and research than the field agents R.I.S.E. has sent to keep tabs on Pasqua's activities are capable of doing. It is believed that Pasqua is somehow spiritually connected to this alternate reality she speaks of, but the capacity of such, and how it works is entirely unknown. However, there have been instances of missing persons attributed to Pasqua's involvement where the victims reported being pursued by horrific nightmare creatures prior to their disappearances, with a few assaults from said beings having been witnessed by other people who claimed there was no visible assailant. R.I.S.E. currently theorizes that there are some kind of entities involved which genuinely exist, but are perhaps camouflaged in some manner, which possibly haul their victims back to their home reality due to the relative dead ends all investigations into these missing people result in. For what purpose they attack and kidnap these people can only be speculated.
Neutral Evil
Yvemba, Vonskaya
Current Residence
Dark crimson with a dull glow and jet black sclera
Waist length, blood red and curly. Often kept loose, with right side of her head shaved.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Muddy grey-ish brown.
5' 9"
132 lbs.

Character Portrait image: by mayfirePAR


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